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My bullying story started in sixth grade. (Oh, the irony...) It was the weekend of my birthday when my (ex) friend (friend one) and I got into a fight over snapchat. About how she's not a stegosaurus... The weeks we'd been friends before, she would tell me how the friends she had before were bitches and how they just left her and how one of her friends even slaps her. During our fight, she said "FUCK U" And being the grammar freak I am, I told her to spell it out. She replied with "GO FUCK URSELF BITCH, NO ONE CARES ABOUT U AND U SHOULD JUST KILL URSELF" Now, obviously I was hurt. She was a person from the little group of people trust. Angry, I told her that the friends she had were fake because they just left her and one even slaps her. She didn't reply, but she read it. A few minutes later I looked on her story and saw a picture of her crying with a caption of "words hurt". I ignored it because literally the ONLY thing rude I said to her was the truth of how the friends she had were fake. The weekend went by, I enjoyed my birthday party with two of my friends (friend two and friend three). On Monday, I went to school and since the only period I have with my friend was lunch, I had to wait. When I walked up to my table, one of the girls started going off at me. I assumed it was just her hearing something wrong from my mouth. So, I ignored her and talked to my other friend at the table. "Oh really! You don't care that friend one is cutting herself over you!" She said, enraged. When she said that I looked at her. I didn't say anything. When friend one came over to the table, she sat down in her usual spot next to me. "Friend one! Show her your arm!" The girl. friend one pull her sleeve up and ere were fake cut marks. I know because I know what real cute look like. Over the coarse of HALF A DAY, she'd spread the rumor that I was bullying her. The rest of the year I was bullied by her and everyone else. The friends I had left me slowly and I started cutting after being clean for three months. My story doesn't necessarily end here since I'm still in sixth grade.... 

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