Submission 1195

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Thomas Davey 

10-14 years old 

 Hi everyone, 

I'm Tomboy09123 but call me Tom. I've mentioned my bullying story before on my account but no one has ever heard the full thing before. I hardly ever talk about it even though it's always on my mind. 

 When I was younger, my mum told me that I was confident. I talked to people but when I started school that was when things went downhill. The school I started was a big Catholic school but I don't remember too much but the stuff my mum told me that I had apparently told her is what's going to be written. I had a speech problem and I was slower when it came to answering the teacher's questions. My answers were actually pretty unique but it took me ages to form the right words and my teachers hated that. I was literally told to not put my hand up if I didn't have an answer. I FUCKING DID U FUCKING IDIOT! Sorry, not sorry.It made me withdraw from class discussions and lose half of the year's work. 

 Other then the teachers, there was a boy who was an actual brat. He was the sort of person who was that person who you wanted to be their friend but they'd constantly do things to make you not trust them. They used to dob on me constantly. Some of the things were petty little things like one time, I guess I was bored cause we had an assembly. The boy had a hat on and something led to another to me playfully biting the boy's hat. 

The boy ran off and told the teacher. I had to say sorry. Now that I think about it, who was I saying sorry to? The hat or the boy? He also dobbed on me for reading a fucking book on detention. I can't even remember what I was in detention for. Anyway, there were heaps of other things that he did but I'll continue on.Would you guys count this as bullying? 

 When I was in Year 3, I finally moved schools. I'd lost all my confidence and I was scared of pretty much everyone in my class. I also most likely had anxiety but I didn't know that that was a thing or how present it was.My new school was so much closer and so much smaller. Seriously, when I asked one of the teachers there how many students there were at the school, I was told that there were 95 kids. Yeah, the number probably has changed by now but meh. 

 I still remember a couple of memories from the first day at school.School had just started and I was sitting there on the carpet floor, at the back, surrounded by my new classmates who'd I'd never met before.What I thought was going to happen was that I'd get called up to the front and I'd talk about myself.My teacher eventually introduced me to the class. I never went up but I remember that I flinched when everyone looked at me.2 hours later, it was recess and this is another memory I'll never forget, and it's one that I'll never forget.I was sitting on the grass in the playground alone, eating my sandwich, huddled into myself and a girl, my best friend now, who was much younger than me walked up the stairs and walked right over to me.That afternoon, my best friend asked her mum whether I could go over to hers. No one had ever asked me that.Ever since that day, though we did have some ups and downs as any friendship would have and we didn't see each other for a few years since she moved to another school, we are still best friends. 

 The day after I started at my new school, I met the popular girls in my year. Yay! I still hadn't made any proper friends yet other than the girl I'd met, we hadn't gotten as close as we are now, so my teacher sat me with the popular girls. First off, my favourite thing on a sandwich was peanut butter and honey and that was what was on my sandwich. Yeah, these girls teased me about. Somehow, I left that group and I walked into my new friend's classroom. 

 I was there for a bit before those girls came in and gave me shit about being here at lunch. I walked out crying because I was embarrassed.This other girl in my year, she was nice but she saw me and she invited me to join her friends. I did.Her friend group was a really smart girl who stood up for me at times and my future bitch best friend (FBBF).So the FBBF and I got into an argument about a project we had to do. I really loved horses. I still do. So I went home the night we got the project and I planned out the whole thing. It had horses in it and the FBBF didn't like that, she wanted something else.I cried that day again and the same girl from the second day helped me again. She was nice. 

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