Submission 1143

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How I was/am bullied: Teasing, name calling, physical altercations, cyberbullying, been used as a hate machine, being used for other people's jobs they can't be bothered to do, 'the class freak'. It started when I was about 6. In my second school I was bullied by the a popular girl who got the class to hate me. In my second school by all the boys and most of the girls didn't want to be around me. In the current school about 98% of the boys from my class and all of my ex- best friends and ex- friends except one, my brother and his friends. They tell the teachers I have have been bullying them when they are teasing me telling people to hate me getting people to offend me and call me rude names and put me down and make me feel bad about myself and they are doing a very good job, making me cry and self harm. I felt deeply depressed and upset, angry and like I wanted to just kill myself. The bullying is still happening but it happened in my previous schools. I feel happy sometimes but then they just put me down again. I have self- harmed and ran away from home about 3 times and gotten extremely angry at my parents because I've been holding in the hate. I just tried to forget it and cut myself, burnt myself, let my anger out on furniture causing 2 chairs and a door to break. I have contemplated suicide a lot, once I nearly did it. I have told my parents and teachers. The teachers have tried but the bullies pretend to make up and after about a day they start again. My parents had to battle it out of me because I would not tell them and when I told them they forced me to tell the teachers because they said it was not good for this to be happening. I have been bullied for almost 7 years now, before that I could barely remember anything.

ADVICE: Force an answer out of the bully as to why they are doing it. Or express yourself with a meaningful song or write a story or watch TV/a movie. Or if it gets too much to handle, move school/house.

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