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I've been bullied for as long as I can remember. When it first started it was simple stuff like not dressing like people of my ethnicity or not speaking like them but this was minuscule compared to what happened in later years.

In 5th grade I experienced what I believe is called sexually motivated physical bullying. A "close friend" of mine spread a rumor about me performing a sexual act with them. A classmate of mine was the first to inform me of the rumor, however he also informed over half of our graduating class. This was a terrible year for me and I spent nearly everyday in my school counselors office. She was very supportive and helped me through that very difficult situation, I will never forget her.

However, I never even imagined that I would develop more bullies in middle school. Throughout my entire middle school experience I was verbally and physically abused by a group of about 10-15 of my classmates. Despite having delt with bullies in years prior, this was different. Not only did I not have the support of my counselor but he in fact accused me of being a bully myself and threaten to suspend me when I finally did stand up to my bullies but none of that stopped me.

I'm a freshman in high school now and there are still bullies out there however they are not nearly as intimidating or as effective. I now have the support of my friends and my boyfriend but most importantly I have the support of myself. I know that the only opinion that is important is my own and that people who judge me for being myself have their own issues to deal with.


I experienced verbal, physical, and sexual bullying.


I believe I was around 3 years old when I first experienced bullying.


I was bullied by friends, classmates, and even family friends.


I was threatened, attacked, called names, and touched inappropriately.


When I was being bullied I felt useless, weak, and worthless.


Bullying caused me to not only fall into an extreme state of depression but even led me to self harm and eventually multiple suicide attempts.


It took me a long time to open up about my bullying because I wasn't sure how people would react. After the experience with my middle school counselor I was even more worried about opening up. Eventually I did open up and was met with nothing but love and support.


I was bullied for approximately 10 years.


I am no longer bullied but if I was I think I would be able to handle it much better. With the support of those closest to me I became an even better me.

ADVICE: Never give up!

I know that times may be hard and you think that no one will understand but with support you can get through it. I've been to the gates of hell but I came back and so can you. If you ever need advice or just someone to talk to feel free to contact me day or night @Taj-Haywood.

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