→chapter seventeen

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Heeeey guys !!!! Ghaaad I've been gone for so looooong !!! So much for school stuff then it leads to a writer's block. *sigh*


We are currently seating in the middle of the drama clubroom. It's time for our rehearsal for the play. I'm seating between Lu-chan and Mira, next to Mira is Gray and next to Lu-chan is Natsu. For unknown reason, Gajeel didn't show up. The rest of the cast sat in front of me creating a big circle in the middle of the room.

"Are you nervous ?", Lu-chan asked me.

"Me? Nervous? Are you kidding ?! This will be easy as pie.", I say as I cross my arms full of pride.

"That's the spirit !", Lu-chan beamed grinning from ear to ear.

"Ok, you know I was joking right ? I'm practically shaking here. I've never been the leading role in a play. I'm not sure if I can do this.", I say as I look down.

"Of course you can do this! I know you'll nail that role on the stage.", she said winking at me.

I just smiled at her.

"Ok ! We are now gonna start this thing! Everyone, listen. I just want you to be yourself and give your best shot in this thing! Especially you Levy. I know you are nervous about this but don't worry. You're a perfect fit for your role.", Cana, the president of the drama club says as she winks at me.

"And since Gajeel is not here, I am afraid I have to change his role.", she said.

"I'll surely talk to him after this.", Mira said smiling widely. Shivers run through my spine at her smile. It looks sweet but something doesn't seem right.

"Now! Anyone who would like to be the beast ?"

"I'll do it !", says Darren, my classmate who suppose to be Gaston.

"Maybe Gajeel would like to be Gaston.", he added smiling brightly.

"Okay then. Gajeel will be Gaston. Now let's begin! Here are the manuscripts ! Pass one to other."

I don't know how will I feel about it. I mean, should I be grateful ? Maybe yes. The whore club will definitely kill me when I reach the kissing scene with Gajeel. But, somewhere deep inside, I really hope that it's Gajeel.

The manuscript have been pass and everyone analyze it. After a couple of minutes, we start our rehearsal. We started by lines reading, so we can know how to act the different scenes.

Lu-chan will be the wardrobe. Mira will be Mrs. Potts. Natsu and Gray will be Lumiere and Cogsworth. My classmate, Darren will be the beast. Gajeel is Gaston and Lefou will be Max. Warren will be Maurice. And the rest of the class will be the supporting actors.

The narrator starts to read, then the villagers start to sing Little Town, It's a Quiet Village as the opening song.

We practiced our lines for almost an hour until the last bell for the school rang.

"Good work, everyone ! Let's meet again tomorrow !".

We packed our things and walk out of the room. As we walk to the gates we saw Mr. M and Gajeel getting into the car.

"Mr. M !!" Lu-chan shouts as she run towards Mr. M.

"Oh, Lucy. It's good to see you today. Just finish school?", Mr. M said getting out of the car.

"Yes. We just had our rehearsal today for the play."

"Play ? Oh all of you ?", he asked pointing towards us as we approached them.

"Yes. Even Gajeel is. But he didn't show up earlier, he was suppose to be the beast."

"Oh. Gajeel, what is the meaning of this ? You never mentioned about being the leading role."

"Tch. I'm still going ok? I can handle that thing."

"Oh but Gajeel, Cana changed your role. You are now going to play as Gaston.", Lu-chan said.

"You should have told us that you'll be busy.", Mira said smiling towards Gajeel. There it goes. That smile again.

"Ah I'm sorry girls. It's actually my fault. I needed him for something."

"It's ok Mr. M. I mean, it's just us who forced him to take the role of the beast.", I butted in. Gajeel just looked at me for a second then turned away.

"I'm sorry again. I promise he will show up on your rehearsals."

"Thanks Mr. M." Mr. M entered the car and drove off leaving us standing in the sidewalk.

"I really hoped that it'll be a perfect play for you two.", Mira said and heave a sigh.

"It's ok. It's just doesn't meant to be that way."

Gajeel's POV

"I'll talk to the person who is in-charge in the play.", Dad said to me as I look on the window.

"Don't need. I'm fine with Gaston.", I simply replied.

"No, it'll be much better if--"

"It's ok with just that. Think about the guy who will play as the beast. I'm sure he likes to be the beast.", I cut him off. I'm starting to get irritated in this whole thing. Damn that president of the drama club.

Levy's POV

I straightly walked to my room as I got home. Mom said she needs to stop by to her friend's house so I grabbed dinner with the gang before going home.

I lay in my bed and curl up in a fetal position.

"What's wrong with me? Why do I feel sad about the whole casting and Gajeel being replaced by Darren ? I'm really crazy. That stupid idiot. Meddling with my thoughts. Stupid heart, beating faster whenever he's around. You traitor ! You should just beat faster if it's Gray. Cheater.", I groaned and rolled to my bed.

What's happening to me ?! This is ridiculous.

I close my eyes for a moment. Thinking everything and everyone. Then his image came to my mind. While he's staring at me with concern when I fell out on his bed. The warmth that I felt when he picked me and laid me to bed. When he pulled the blanket and said that I'm cute when I don't wear my glasses. And don't forget the time that he hugged you when you almost crack your head on the floor, my otherself said.

Aaaaargh !!!! What the hell ?!!!!! This is ridiculous !!!! I'm not falling for him!!! Right ?

Thank you. Thank you guys. Thanks for waiting for a lazy bun author like me. Lol. *hugs and kisses*


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