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This chapter is the most exciting so far! And the longest chapter I've written, lol. There is a lot of 'OhMyGod' moments so yea....hope yall like it. Because i do!   :P And also pay attention to the POV's they jump around and change a lot!


(Louis POV~~~Saturday)

I woke up and had a huge headache, I smiled when i seen niall next to me. Harry walked in and gave me some painkillers with a glass of water. "Can you give these to Niall when he wakes up?" Harry said handing me a bottle of pills. "Sure, can you make me some tea?" i replied. Harry smiled and went to the kitchen. I got up and noticed that I was wearing different cloths, which were way to big for me. I didn't think much of it and walked over to Niall and woke him up. "Hey Ni, wake up!" I whisper yelled while shaking his arm. "Nooo...a few more minutes mom." I chuckled at his response before telling him who he was talking to. He shot up and looked around before staring into my eyes. He winced in pain, and i handed him the bottle of pills. "Here take this, it will help." He took the pills and thanked me, then stood up and looked at his cloths. "Where did i get these?" "I was thinking the same thing, why don't we go down stairs and find out." I said motioning to the door. Niall nodded and followed me out the door. I tripped on the long pants and slid down the stairs, receiving looks from everyone in the room. Harry laughed as he walked over with a cup of tea in his hands, he looked down at me and offered me a hand. After recovering from my fall, I grabbed the cup and took a sip, and thanked him. I seen Niall make his way to the kitchen and sit down at the table.

In the kitchen I saw Liam and Zayn making breakfast, Eggs bacon and pancakes. I almost didn't recognize Zayn though, he had his shirt off which exposed his tattoos. He turned around and said "I hope that the cloths fit, your other ones are in the wash." Zayn said. "Ya they are fine." I turned around and sat at the table. Harry was on my left and niall was on my right with Liam across from Harry and then Zayn next to him. As we ate, I looked at my phone to check the time, 10:30. "Hey, do you think that we could go shopping?" "Sure, I'll have my Bodyguards know." he replied texting them. "Ok, by the way these are really good." I commented waving a piece of bacon around. Liam let out a small laugh and replied 'thanks'. After eating, I asked Zayn where the washroom was and he pointed to a small room at the end of the hall. I walked to the room and retrieved niall's and my cloths. I handed him his clothes, then walked upstairs to go get dressed. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair, then walking down stairs to wait for the rest of the guys to finish getting ready. I logged into my twitter and seen a bunch of positive tweets, which made me smile. I got up off of the couch and walked to the door, realizing that Harry was closing the door and everyone was outside already.

At the mall, we walked around for a while stopping to get some frozen yogurt. "What kind did you get?" Niall asked. "Chocolate." i replied. "Yum, sounds good." We walked to a bench and sat down, I turned to Liam, Harry and Zayn. "Hey, is that ok if i go shopping by myself for a bit?" I asked. I felt like a child for asking and immediately regretting the question. "Ya sure." they all replied to my amazement, they didn't even ask why. "Hey Ni, you wanna tag along?" "Where ya goin?" he asked. "Just shopping, ya know, away from all of this." I pointed behind me at all of the girls crowding the rest of my mates. His eyes got bigger and he nodded grabbing my arm. We first went to Hollister and bought a few jeans and sweatshirts. "Hey what is it like going on tour?" Niall asked randomly. "I-it's the greatest feeling in the world and yet it's the worst. You get to go on amazing trips and to amazing places. but at the same time 2+ months away from home can really get to you." "Oh yeah, never thought about it like that." He replied. "Hey Lou, I have to go, can we stop for a moment?" I nodded and he walked to the bathrooms, I followed behind. I leaned against the wall and looked at my instagram, but was soon stopped by a girl. "Omg! Your Louis Tomlinson! Can I get a picture?" She asked politely. "Sure, I like our fans and all of the support that you guys give us." I smiled as I leaned towards her and she took the  picture. But i soon felt a stinging sensation in my neck and my knees went limp and I collapsed hitting the floor. I Fought the drug, trying to keep my eyes open. I looked up to see a man and another girl standing next to Niall's limp body on the floor. Then my vision went black.

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