Final chapter

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😝 Yeaaaa!! This is going to be the final chapter to I'm Friends with Pop stars (book 1) . This is also the first book I've finished, I plan on writing a sequel to this book as well. So enjoy this chapter, it's going to be a bit dramatic and leave a few loose ends.

*•*•*•*• another unexpected update!!!   I'm making the boys their age in 2015 but they look like 2013 1D...(so they were in university not high school) *•*•*•*•

(Niall's pov)

I wake up in the middle of the night with chills down my spine, sweat covering my body and my hair sticking to my forehead. I sit up straight and let out a shrill scream as I begin to cry. I see the bathroom door open and Liam comes out, his eyes widening at my state. He comes over to the side of the bed and I stand up. He holds me tight and I cry into his chest, his chin resting on the top of my head and his strong arms around me. "Ni...Niall! Hey hey hey,'s ok, you're ok. He can't get you anymore." Liam says rocking side to side. Although I haven't told anyone yet, I still have vivid flashbacks- well dreams- from when I was kidnapped. Liam scooped me up and I curled further into his chest, we layer down in bed with me in his lap and him against the headboard. I slowly regained my breathing as Liam ran his fingers through my hair. I felt my eyes close and I slowly fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up with a scratchy throat and eyes. I got up out of bed and walked down stairs to the kitchen, Liam was making breakfast and listening to the radio. I walk behind him and burry myself into his back. "Morning LiLi." I mumble, he kisses the top of my head. He turns off the stove and picks me up by the waist. I'm set on the counter and I wrap my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, Liam softly kissed my neck. "Hey babe, I was thinking we could go to the theater tonight and see a film?" He mumbled into my neck. I pulled back and traced shapes on his bare chest. "Yea, or we could stay here and do something else?" I whispered. He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. I softly nudged my lips against his and he lightly licked my lower lip. I opened my mouth slightly and our tongues met. Our kiss was stopped short when the door bell rang. Liam pulled away and walked to the door. "Liam! Come quick it's Zayn!" I heard Harry say quickly. I hop down from the counter and rush to the door. Louis and Harry are standing there with red eyes. "Come I guys I'm going to go get dressed and we can go." Liam says.

(3rd person)
At the hospital, all 4 boys hesitantly walk into the room where Zayn is hooked up to a monitor, IV and his right leg is in a cast (going from his upper thigh to his ankle). Zayn's mother is in a chair next to the bed, the room is quiet with exception to the beeping from the monitors. "W-what happened?" Niall asked quietly. Zayn's mother looked up and sighed, whilst taking her sons hand in hers. "A car crash, he was going to the store when a semi trailer T-boned his car. Zayn's in a coma. That's all I know." She said  shakily. They walked closer and seen how bruised up he was. The doctor came into the room to check up on Zayn, and also to answer any questions. "So how bad was his injuries?" Liam asked. "Well he is in a coma now, he has 3 fractured ribs, he had a Pneumothorax and a broken knee." The doctor said. (A/n: can you even break your knee?? And a pneumothorax is a collapsed lung) "Its hard to tell when he will wake up but it could be as early as next week or it could be up to a month. I'm very sorry to hear about your friends accident and I hope he heals well." The doctor leaves the room and they sit down taking all the information. "I hope he wakes up soon." Niall said, whom was sitting in Liam's lap on the sofa by the window.  Liam kissed his cheek and leaned back. Harry was sitting across the bed from Zayn's mum with Louis in his lap. "Me too Niall." Louis said.

Ten days pass and Zayn's mum left the second day as she had to go to work. The boys however volunteered to take turns watching Zayn and making sure that if he'd wake up that they would be there. Today was Louis and Harry's turn to come visit and they sat there waiting patiently looking for any small sign that the Bradford boy would wake. "Hey Boo, I'm going to go get some food. Do you want anything??" Harry asked. "Some tea and a croissant breakfast sandwich? Please?" Harry nodded and kissed Louis chapped lips before going out to get them food from the cafe on the main level of the hospital. Harry walked down the hall to the elevators when he was stopped by a little girl. She was wearing a hospital gown, oxygen tubes and a grey beanie, her small wheel chair and oxygen tank on the back was covered in pink stickers and a few bows. "Hello mister...are you Harry?" He crouched down to the height of the girl and nodded. "Ooo can I please get a picture?" Her grey eyes brightened up and she smiled. A nurse kindly stopped and used the girls Polaroid camera to take a picture. Harry signed the back of the photo and the little girl who couldn't have been over 8 thanked him before scooting away. Harry smiled to himself and continued the quest for food as it was  almost 4 in the evening. Harry returned to the room with the food and drinks. Louis now moved to the couch and was laying down, Harry walked over and gave his boyfriend his food. Louis thanked Harry and quietly ate his food, Harry stared eating as well and the room once again fell deathly silent.

An hour later, Zayn's heart monitor started to pick up and both boys sprang up, running over to the side of the bed. Zayn's eyes shot open and he coughed on the breathing tube. "ZAYN! Calm down!!" Louis yelled. Harry left the room and came back with a nurse. The breathing tube was removed and a doctor was called into look him over. "Hello, Mr. Malik how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "Wha- how- where am I?...who are you?" Zayn's hoarse voice rasped. "Mr. Malik you were hit by a truck and went into a coma, your at London hospital. I'm your doctor, Dr Williams." The doctor said. "Zayn, you have some friends here." The doctor motioned towards Harry and Louis. Zayn looked their direction and raised an eyebrow. "Who the hell are you?! And why am I in London? I fell asleep at home in Bradford and I wake up here?!?" He spits, a glare forming on his face.

Well that was the final chapter to this book! It was very fun to write and to see all of you guys enjoying it 😁 I'm starting the sequel soon and hopefully will have either a prolouge or even a first chapter posted in the next two weeks👍🏻

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