Junior year

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(Harry POV)

"Bye, mum! I have to leave now, or i'm going to be late ." I waved to my mother from my car. I tossed my book bag into the passenger seat of the car, and drove to Louis' house. When i arrived he was standing outside looking at his phone. I honked the horn and he jumped, then gave me an annoyed look as he tossed his and my bags into the back seat. " You're almost late Harry, it's the first day of school and we still have to go get Liam." Louis said. "Well, Sorry." I said sarcastically. We were on our way to Liam's house when i got a text from him. "hey lou can you get that, I'm driving." "yeah, Liam said not to come and pick him up he is driving himself." louis read the text aloud. I drove past his house and made my way to the school. When we arrived, I went to park in my usual spot but saw that it was taken by an electric blue BMW 335i. I let out a small groan as i put the car in reverse, backed up and parked in a space a few cars down.

We got out of my Range Rover, and walked up to Liam's car. " Hey mate, who parked in my spot?" I asked Liam. "Not sure, I just got here a little after you." "Oh well" I replied acting as if it wasn't a big deal, but to me it was a big deal. "Let's go inside, yeah?" Louis said. We walked into the brick building and found our way to our lockers. " Are you going to try out for football this year?" I asked louis, he rolled his eyes. "That is a stupid question, of course i am." He replied closing his locker. We went to Liam's and my locker before checking our schedules. "What classes do we have together?" I asked my friends. "Well lets see, I have math, english, music/vocals studies,science and gym last . What about you guys?" Liam read off his classes. "Well I have math, music/vocals studies, and gym with you, What about you Harry?" Louis asked me. "I have english with liam and Music/vocals studies and gym with the both of you." I replied, with a smile. It's nice knowing that my best friends are going to be in my classes, considering that the last 3 months of sophomore year we were on tour. The bell rang and we ran to our classes.

~~*~One hour later~*~~*

I met Liam at his locker with my english books and folder, "Hey where is louis?" "Oh, he went to class right away." liam responded. "oh ok." we walked to the classroom together and sat down in desks that were close in proximity, the teacher walked in and wrote her name on the board. Half way through our lesson, I was daydreaming but then noticed a small boy in the front row with dyed blonde hair. I turned around to Liam and poked his face with my pencil. He sighed while rolling his eyes, "Yes harry?" I pointed to the boy and whispered to Liam. "That is the new kid that I saw at Starbucks, and at my last class. I wonder where he is from." I trailed off in my own thoughts but was interrupted by the teacher. "Mr. Styles, open your book. This is Not the time for daydreaming." "Sorry mam." My face turned bright red as the rest of the class turned around and looked at me. As if they were in elementary school, but that is when i saw the bright blue eyes of the new kid. And his white teeth as he smirked. The students turned around to the front and the lesson continued.

After class, I walked to my locker. but on the way I watched the small lad from class get picked on by the new foreign exchange students, Justin Nick and their girlfriends Miley and Ariana. I knew that they were a group of rich artists from America, but didn't care too much for them. And I had to meet Louis and Liam at my locker so we could get to music/vocals on time. "Hey mate did you see the exchange students picking on the new kid?" Harry asked his mates. "Yeah, but why do you take so much interest in him?" Liam asked. "Not sure, but I don't like Justin and his friends so...Idk." "Well let's go to Music/vocals studies, yeah?" Louis spoke up. We walked into the music room and sat in the back of the rows. When Justin and his group came in they sat in the row in front of us, and I spotted the blonde in the front row. The teacher came in a few minutes after them and took roll call (attendance). When she seen our names on the list she asked the three of us to sit in the front row after, telling the class what it is like to be on tour. I chuckled a bit when i seen the look in Justin's face when she asked us about our music career and not his or any of his friends' carers.

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