Chapter 15

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Skylar P.o.v

it was 7:38 in the morning and someones at my door. whaat do they want?? i opened it to see brittany. she looked concerned.
"brit what you doing here? its to damn early in the morning." I said in a grumpy tone. "look i need to tell you something." she said taking a seat on the couch. "wassup? whats going on?" i asked. usually brittany doesnt have problems or needs to talk. so this must be interesting.

"Sam wants to take kiara out so i had told him her favorite place. he told me he wants her and that they need to be close." brittany said. "that boy gonna get fucked up." i said. "I tried telling him. but he didnt wanna listen." brittany said. i sighed. "Did i ever tell you what happened in kevin's relationship before kiara's?" i asked. she shook her head no.

"before kiara there was this girl name Giana. kevin loved her so much. And never wanted to let her go. he threatened anyone that tried to break them apart. but Giana had feelings for someone else which made kevin even more angry. after giana told kevin her feelings lost for him , he went crazy. he threatened to kill giana and the boy." I said. brittany gasped.

"Kevin havent gotton over her since kiara came. he fell inlove. he told me that being with her was the best." i added. "sam is going to try and get her." brittany said concerned. "sam is just putting his life in jeopardy. kiara doesnt even want sam. she wants to be with kevin." brittany added. "yeah. but she keep denying that sam doesnt want her." i said. "Maybe she doesnt know." brittany said. "hopefully she will so this mess can be over." brittany laughed. "now leave." i said getting up towards the door. "leave?" brittany asked confused. "yes. leave im going back to sleep its too early for all this." i said. "okay. im gonna go home and sleep too. i just couldnt sleep with that on my mind and now since i talked to you i think i can. " brittany said. we said goodbye and i walked upstairs to my bed. i thought about Giana and kevin.

( flashback )

"Kevin i just dont have feelings for you anymore. I have them for someone else." i hear giana say in the other room. kevin and giana was having there little arguments again. "giana you dont mean that. we both love each other-" "kevin no. i think we should just be friends." giana said cutting him off. "im sorry but i just dont have any more feelings. i'll get my stuff." as she came out the room i walked in there. kevin was on the bed with his head in his hands. "kevin? are you alright?" i asked. he nodded his head. i sat next to him and put my head on his shoulders.

(end of flashback )

I layed down on the bed and closed my eyes. kiara really makes kevin happy. but sam has to go. I thought as i feel asleep i fell asleep.

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