Chapter 25

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Kiara P.o.v

I drove to the downtown diner. today was a breezy day so i grabbed a small jacket. when i stepped out of the car and start walking i saw sam inside , looking around for me. as he caught me he smiled. i smiled back. he greeted me as i walked in. "hey kiara." he said hugging me. "hey." I responded. he guided me to our table. as we sat down we were on opposite sides of the table , facing each other.

A Lady Thats looked in her early 30's came to our table. "what can i get you two?" she said in a calming tone. we looked at our menu's. i took a good look at the lady. she was dark skinned with long black hair in a ponytail. her eyes were a shade of a beautiful brown. i looked at her name tag. 'Diana' It read her name. we told her what we wanted and she smiled. "thank you .. diana" i said while she walked away. she looked back and gave me a half smile.

"how you know her name?" sam asked. "Its Called looking at the name tag." i said laughing. he laughed as well. "but you must be really hungry. you ordered alot." sam said. "oh no im taking one of the orders home for kevin." i said correcting him. "ohh okay. well um , what have you been up to? you been okay? i havent heard from you." sam said concerned. i nodded my head. "i've been okay. just busy with family things." i said lying. sam looked like he didn't buy it.

the lady came up with our orders. "here you guys go. is there anything else?" she asked nicely. "yes can i take this order in a To-Go box?" i asked pointing at kevins food. "yes you may. i'll be right back." she said. i started eating some of my fries and i looked up to see sam staring at me. "what?" i asked with 3 fries im my mouth. "kiara i know something isn't up." he said. "you know you can share anything with me. right?" he said looking at me with a serious face.

"of course i know that." i said. i really hope he changes the conversation. "then what is going on? i know something is happening.." he said. memories of the rape flashed back in my head.

'just shut up and enjoy it ma. you'll fucking love this.'

'kiara you want this.'

"kiara? kiara??" Sam said , snapping ne out my terrible thoughts. i looked at him. "are you sure everything's okay?" He asked. i nodded and smiled. "yes. im okay." sam looked at me for a minute and smiled. the lady came back with the box. "sorry i was a little long." she said. i told her everything was alright.

we finished our food and kept talking. as we got done i put kevins food in the box and headed for the door. "kiara.." sam called out. "yes?" i asked. "can i ride with you? i walked here but its dark." sam said. i looked outside and it was a dark sky blue. "of course. c'mon." i said. we got in the car and i pulled out onto the busy street with cars. I put on some music. as i started singing to the song playing sam singed along as well. i smiled at him and continued. as i looked at him we shared the highest pitch of the song together.

** CRASH **

i opened my eyes. i looked over and sam was covered in blood unconscious. we were both upside down. i felt blood on my face rolling down. i heard a few voices.

"oh my god!"

"are they alright?"

"someone call the ambulance!!"

"get them out! get them out!"

i saw a few hands stick in the broken car window. before i could get a word out, i was unconscious.

( i didnt proof read this so idk. sorry if the story is bad i tried to make a good chapter. )

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