Chapter 3

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Kiara p.o.v 'kevin this is my childhood bestfriend sam & sam this is my boyfriend kevin.' i said. kevin looked at him for a minute. ' wassup kevin nice to meet you.' sam said sticking out his hand. kevin grabbed it. 'nice to meet you as well.' he said smiling. all of a sudden sam said ' okay.. your hand is hurting mines..' i looked at kevin. he was still smiling. 'okay you can let go.' 'Kevin!' i shouted. kevin let go. 'wow what a strong a grip.' sam said laughing. 'im sorry i always do that. my bad.' kev said.

'hey kiara!' i hear someone say. it was skylar and she was with brittany. 'hey guys.' i say smiling. ' why kev look like he mad?' brittany asked looking at kevin. ' i was talking to an childhood friend.' i started saying. ' and i guess kev thought it was more then that.' 'what he looked like?' skylar asked. i turn around and pointed to sam. ' hes cute.' brittany said. ' yeah cute enough to get that ass beat. kevin finna beat the fuck out of him.' skylar said sipping her drink. 'sky dont say that.' i said. we didnt even do nothing. 'mhm okay kiara.. but if one starts throwing hits let me have my camera ready.' brittany laughed. 'skylar no ones getting in a fight.' i said. 'kiara!'

i turn around to see sam calling me. "I'll be back guys" " and here's where it begins." skylar said as i walked away. "Yes sam?" "i was thinking we can catch up on how things use to be." sam said smiling. his teeth really got straighten. "Really?" i asked. "Of course. do things how we use to." he said. "Oh sam i would love that." "i knew you would." sam got up and offered a hug. we hugged. i can see kevin watching us sipping on his drink. he got up and walked to us. "kiara come here" kevin said. oh no. this is not good.

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