Chapter 17

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Kiara P.o.v

as i text sam kevin walked in the house. "hey babe." i say still looking in my phone. kevin didnt answer. "babe? i said hello.." i said looking up. "your not going with him this weekend." kevin said. i was confused. "Kevin what are you talking about?" i asked. "you know damn well what im talking about." kevin said. i thought for a minute. then it hit me.

"Kevin my god for the billion time hes just a friend!" i said getting angry. " I overheard brittany and skylar earlier and they were talking about how sam wanted to take you and that he wants to be with you. Kiara the nigga wants you and i'm not gonna let that happen!" kevin said yelling. i stood there. sam really do wants to be with me. this isnt good. "kevin i dont have any feelings for sam. at all." i said. "he's gonna try and take you from me. i cant let that happen." he said. "kevin.. dont worry about him. hes just a friend to me." i said grabbing his arm. "kiara babe i know what your doing. your covering up for sam." he said letting go. DID HE JUST SA-? "what are you talking about!? I LOVE YOU! YOU THINK I WOULD MAKE THIS UP? KEVIN I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD THINK I WOULD MAKE THIS UP!" i said angrily. "kiara babe im sorr-" "no kevin im sick of this! everytime i tell you this you dont believe me im leaving." i said walking out the door. kevin grabbed me. "kiara baby wait-" kevin said grabbing me. i yanked away from him and drove off.


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