Chapter 13: Gray's Past

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Juvia's POV

After what happened yesterday, Gray-sama and I stopped talking to each other.

"Check this for me." He said and hand me a folder

"Yes." I said. We only talk about work.

"See you." I said to Erza-san as I'm about to leave

"Juvia!" she called "About Gray...just believe in him. He's the type of person that won't show his feelings." Erza-san said. She also told me about her conversation with Gray-sama yesterday.

"Because you keep a poker face, Juvia becomes insecure." Erza-san said

"I need her to become stronger. I'll be promoted soon and I can't be around her anymore."

"By can't be around her, you mean?"

"I'll be transferred overseas."

"And Juvia..."

"I was thinking of telling her today."


I wait outside his condo until he shows up. His wearing the present that I bought him, that I left on the road with him.

"You picked up the shawl?"

"Yeah." He said

"Are you going to Paris, Gray-sama?"

"That's right."

"You didn't tell me anything, about that."

"I couldn't say it."

"Just say it anyway. You should explain everything properly. Because I'm stupid I get anxious...about Lucy-san, even when I knew it was just rumors. I get unnecessarily worried." I said

"The truth is...I was planning on bringing you with me. But the transfer was much earlier than I expected. I couldn't sort my priorities." He said. So I'm not really his number one priority huh?

"You just go with your logic, right?"

"I'm bad at being in between of things." He said and get something from his bag. He gave me a little blue box.

"Is this...So you knew my birthday."

"Why did you ask me to double date on your birthday? Because of that I passed on giving it to you yesterday." He said and shifted his gaze out from me. I just smile as I look at the box, I opened it and there was a ring inside. The ring Cana-san has told me before.

"This is..." I hold him "Thank you." I said

We went inside his unit and his stuff is almost gone.

"There's not much things, is there?" I asked

"It'll be hard to let go of things if you keep them." He said

"Huh?" what he said seems to have a different meaning.

"When I was six, I went home to celebrate Christmas with my family, and the house was empty. It was all seized."

"Seized? Why?" I asked

"My father put us in debt. I and mother didn't have a clue. I lived through part time jobs and scholarships. I manages to graduate somehow. There were times when it seemed like the ground beneath me would crack open and I'd fall into my own footprints." I had no idea, Gray-sama has a cold past.

"Like you said...I'm just a wuss." I seated next to him in the sofa. This is the first time I see him in such state.

"If I don't keep running, I feel like I'll turn hopeless." I reach into his hands and hold them tightly.

"It's okay. It's okay even if you fall. I'll be here doing this. I'll be here for you. Gray-chan." I said and smiled at him

"Like I said, stop calling—" he said but I shut him with my kiss. I kissed him to make him better.

He holds the back of my head and kissed me again. He gently hold me in his arms.

"Have a safe trip Gray-sama."


To be continued...

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