nine months later

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It's been nine months since Barry's been in a coma. I haven't been back to star labs to see Barry since Catlin kicked me out. She doesn't trust me and I can't risk her finding out about who I really am. Especially because of whom she becomes in my time.

I have been working with the cops. You know the usually stuff. It's been pretty boring being in this time.

It's been a calm morning nothing criminal wise has happened yet. Which i guess is a good thing. Checking my watch I notice my shift is over so I decide to pack up and head over to jitters for a coffee.

I walk to the captains office and knock on the door. "Come in!" He shouts from inside. Turning the nob I enter his office. "I'm just heading out for the day. But if you need me just page I'll be a jitters" I smile , the captain nods. I thank him and exit his office closing the door behind me.


Star labs


"What are you doing? I hear catlin asks with Curiosity. I walk to the radio and turn it up. It's playing poker face by lady gaga.

"He likes this song." Caitlin just looks at me. Rolling her eyes.

"How could you possibly know that?" She asks cockily walking towards me.

"I checked his Facebook page. I mean, he can hear everything, right?" I ask

"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." She says checking Barry's heart rate and his hearing.

"Can't read my No he can't read my poker face..." I sing loudly and very horribly. Dancing around the room.

Suddenly I hear a gasp and realize Barry jolting up from the bed.

"Oh, my God!" I squeal childishly

"Where am I?" Barry removes the wires from his face and arms. He seems startled.

I can't believe he woke up. I guess my singing's not that bad after all.

"He's up!" Caitlin finally has some happiness in her tone.

I walk to the computers and talk into the intercom. "Doctor Wells, get down to the cortex, like right now."

"over 110. Pulse 120. Pupils equally reactive to light. Look at me. Look at me." Caitlin already begins testing Barry, shoving thermometers in his mouth to check his temperature.

"Hey hey. Oh, oh, relax. Everything's ok, man. You're at Star Labs." I cant believe he's awake after nine months I thought he was dead.

"Star Labs? Who are you?" He seems a little freaked out but who wouldn't be in his situation.

He looks around the room frantically.

"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin Doctor Snow." I gesture to Caitlin.

"I need you to urinate in this." Catlin sticks out a bottle in front of Barry. Wow she's weird.

"Not this second." I tell her. She just rolls her eyes at me.

"What, what is happening? What is going on?" He gets up off the bed and looks around in panic.

"You were struck by lightning, dude."

Barry turns around facing the mirror. As Wells rolls in.

"Wh, Lightning gave me abs?" He says in shock. I chuckle. It's pretty funny the way he's reacting.

Carrie Allen ~a flash fan fiction~Where stories live. Discover now