Part 4: danny and shopping

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May POV:  I leave the classroom with Danny and head to the computer room. When we arrive there is already a few pupils here either from a class or a study period. We find two computers next to each other and run to grab them before anyone else reaches them. We let out sighs of relief and laughs when we sit down. We are basically just big kids. That's what I love about Danny. Even though he is friends with my sister and is jacksons best friend he is easy to talk too and unlike the others refers to me as May and not Lydia's twin.

"Right what chemical reaction do you want to study?" Danny asks.

"What about the bromic acid one that looks like a lava lamp. Since most people will be doing more easier ones or ones that explode?" I ask

"Sure May."

We get to work using different websites to help create or presentation. I got to work on facts about it whilst Danny finds out about how to create it. We work our hardest until I see someone outside staring back at me. He is tall and looks to be in his 20's. I look at him and suddenly realise who it is.

It's Derek hale.

When I look again he's gone. Strange. I'm brought out of my thoughts when the bell rings. Me and Danny pack up and walk out together. We start talking when I see erica walking alone looking scared. I leave Danny and go see erica.

"Hey. What's up. ". I ask.

"Yeah I just don't like working with Jackson."

I give her a hug and a reassuring smile.

"If it makes you feel any better you can come prom dress shopping with me, my sister and her friend."

"I think I'll pass."

I laugh at her. I see why we are best friends now. We walk out to the cars and she goes in hers and drives off. I sigh realising that I'm going to have to go shopping with my sister. She can't be that bad can she.


I was wrong.

I'm stuck in the back of my sisters car with her new best friend Allison. The first thing Allison said when she got in the car was
"you have a sister." With utter shock across her face.

Lydia looked back at me, the in the mirror, then back at me, then Allison.

"Yeah. Allison meet my twin May. She doesn't hang about with us because she likes to sit with her best friend Erica. Erica and may are in our gym class and econ. They both like to be quiet and stay hidden up the back."

Allison puts her head down probably ashamed of not noticing me. She then gets in the car and we head to Macy's.

When we get there Lydia drags me and Allison over to the dresses. Just before we get there Allison stops Lydia. We are next to the perfume are when I see stiles stiles stillinski. He's ericas crush. Like she seriously won't stop admiring him. Like seriously he is so socially awkward.

"I hope it's okay but Jackson asked me to go with him to the dance. Just as friends though." Allison says.

"As long as it's just friends and nothing else." Lydia says.

"Why don't you go with stiles?" Allison asks.

"Fine." Lydia sighs.

I stand there just listening hoping they won't drag me into this.

"May who are you going with?" Lydia asks.

"I was just going to stay home. I'm not a party person or even a people person." I reply.

"Are you sure you are both twins?" Allison asks.

"I know we are complete opposites." I reply.

"You are going. If it means I drag you by the hair then I will do so!" Lydia protests.

She then continues to drag us to the dress area. She pulls out dress after dress finally deciding on a silver/ platinum dress. It goes well with her hair and eyes.

Then she drags me and looks at bright dresses that will go well with my blonde hair.

We finally decide on the..........

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