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I'm woken up by my phone going off.


(Boyd:b may:m)

M: hey Boyd. What's up.

B: we need to talk.

M: why what's wrong.

B: just open the door and promise me you'll here us out.

M: wait who's us

The line goes dead and I slowly get up, making my way downstairs and opening up the door. There in front of me stand Boyd and Erica. I act as if ericas not there.

"So what do you need to tell me Boyd."

"May. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but. We're leaving beacon hills."

"WHAT. No you can't leave me."

"We have to may. It's for the best."

I shake my head in denial.

"May I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you in the past few months. I just want to clear that up so that when I go away you'll remember the good things about me and not the bad." Erica says.

It takes about five seconds to process this then I bring them both in to a bone crushing hug. Tears are spilling down all of our faces as we realise this is our last moment together.

"When are you leaving."


"Promise you'll phone me every week."


"I'm going to miss you so much."

"We're going to miss you too but we have to go now."

We break apart and I look at my best friends faces.

"I guess this is goodbye then." I tell them.

"Goodbye may." They say at the same time.

As they slowly walk away I watch them.

My best friends are gone.


That night I cried myself to sleep.

Matts dead
Erica and Boyd are gone
Jackson left for England without saying goodbye.
Lydia's distant.
Allisons crumbling
Isaac is ignoring me.

My whole world comes crashing down.

I have no one.

Not a single person.


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