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I wake up the next morning feeling empty. I know today is going to be hard but I know that I have to deal with it.

I get up and put on dark skinny jeans with a loose coral crop top. A pair of white high heels and a little lip gloss. Unlike my sister I don't like to cake myself in make up. I fishtail my hair and make my way downstairs. I grab an apple and pick up my bag. I walk out of the house and make my way to school.


When I walk in to school I head straight to my locker. I get my books out and make my way to the library. I see Matt sitting himself so I decided to keep him company.

"Hey." I say whilst sitting my books down and taking the seat across from him.

"Hey. How are you after that whole Erica blow up thing."

"I'm still a bit annoyed that she would do that to me and after what happened in school it somehow got worse but who needs friends like her when I can have friends like you who I know will always be there for me."

He just smiles then the bell rings.

"I got to go to chemistry but I will see you later." I tell Matt.

I make my way to the Devils....sorry I meant harris's classroom. I take a seat next to Danny. It's a few minutes later that I realise that Erica is here. I just hope that we don't to pair work and that I'm stuck with her.

"Einstein once said that two things were infinite. The world. And human stupidity. I don't know about the world but I myself have encountered infinite human stupidity. Let's see if indeed two heads are better than one or in mr stillinski case less than one. You will go through different stages of chemical reaction and will be working with different people. First Erica will go with me McCall. Mr lahey with stillinski. Miss argent with Lydia. Danny with May." He said other partners but I wasn't that bothered. He rang the bell and we started our work.

Me and Danny do really well together. We get the work done and have a good laugh and joke. He keeps telling me about this club that he likes to go to. I can't remember the name of it. Soon the bell rings and I have to change partners. I'm with Isaac so it's not bad.

"Hey may how are you."

"Not that bad. Nothing much going on really. What about you."

"Not that bad either."

"Isaac can I sit with you at lunch."

"Sure that's if you don't mind sitting with Boyd and Erica too."

"I'll sit with you another day. I'll probably sit with Matt or Lydia but tell Boyd I said hi."

The bell rang and then I realised who I'd have to sit with.


I see my sister and Allison look at me with worry but I do what Lydia taught me to and that's to take a deep breathe, hold your head up high and be confident

That's what I did.

I sat down and ignored her. I done most of the work and when we were done I saw that we had a crystal. We were told that we could eat it so I cut it in half and gave a bit to Erica without looking at her. I quickly ate mine. But saw out of the corner of my eye that Erica was staring at my sister.

"LYDIA!" Scott shouted.

"Sorry it's nothing." Lydia just shrugged and ate the crystal. What was that about.

The bell rings and I grab my bag and head for the door. I go to my classes until lunch. When I walk in I see Isaac Boyd and Erica. They all look totally different. They look at me and give me different looks. Boyd gives me a friendly smile and a wave. Isaac a small smirk and a nod of the head. Then Erica who looks at me for 0.2 seconds then looks back at her food as if I don't exist. I decide to be nice and give Isaac and Boyd a small smile and a wave. I can't see Lydia and her friends so I decide to sit with Matt. He's fixing his camera but looks up when I sit down.

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