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I park my car next to the bike rack. Looking in my rear view mirror I make sure that my hair is still okay and not a riot. When I'm fairly sure that it's okay I grab my bag and start the walk into school. On my way in I bump in to Matt.

"Hey Matt."

"Hi may. Are you all right after yesterday."

"I think. I can't really remember it though. What about you."

"I got a concussion and was in the ER for 6 hours."

"Are you alright now."

"I guess. Do you still want me to get you a ticket to the rave."

"I think I'll pass. Just not feeling up to it now."

"I understand. I'll see you later okay."

"Bye Matt."

And with that he leaves me. I through my bag over my shoulder and make my way in to this dreaded place called school.


My first class today is economics.

Yay, note the sarcasm.

I head over to my seat in the back corner. Scott and stiles move from their normal seats to next to me whilst Allison then sits in front of me. None of them normally sit there.

"Hi may." Stiles speaks to me.

I don't think that I've ever spoke to him before.


"Do you feel any different today."

"No. Why."

"You sure you aren't hearing things better. Have better reflexes. Anything." Scott butts in.


Before they could reply coach walks in he starts talking about something completely off topic. Then yells at Greenberg. Then starts talking about lacrosse. Then shouts at Greenberg. Thankfully the bell saves me from any more of coaches nonsense.

I stalk out the room and get through most of my classes. At lunch I sit next to Matt.

"Are you sure you don't want to go tonight. I heard everyone is going and I still have a spare ticket."

"If I go I might not stay the full night. It's just that I'm still not feeling quite good."

The truth is that I'm still petrified after that thing in the library.

"Yes. I knew you would give in. I've got your ticket here and I'll meet you there."

He gives me my ticket as the bell goes. I get up and head to class. I can tell something is going to go wrong tonight.

(Now wearing outfit up Top.)

I pull up to the Ravenna my caramel make my way over to the entrance where I see Matt standing with Allison.

"May I didn't know you wee coming tonight." Allison questions

"Matt begged me to."


I make my way inside to see tons of people crowded in to this one room. I see a table at the right side of the room with glowsticks, alcohol and bottles of water. I make my way over grabbing a blue glow stick and a bottle of water. I open the water and chug it down. Hopefully if something gets awkward I can make the excuse of going to the toilet. I put the bottle in the nearest trash bag and make my way in to the midst of dancing teens. As I make my way through dancing I bump in to mr Harris.

"Mr Harris."

"Say anything about this and your next assessment I will give you a c."

"My lips are sealed."

As he moves away all I can think is that I'm going to have nightmares about this for the next month.

I dance with a load of strangers until I hear my name being called. I turn around to see Isaac.

"Hey Isaac."

"May what are you doing here."

"Dancing what else silly."

"I just didn't think you were a party person."

"Same could be said for you."

"I've got to go but I'll speak to you later."


I keep dancing until I notice Jackson coming up to me. Knowing that he dumped my sister I despise him right now. I turn the other way and keep dancing.

After a while I start getting tired so I try to find the table where I got the water. I can't seem to find it. As I roam the room I see a whole pile of metal that forms a room and I remember the table was near here. Suddenly stiles, Erica and Isaac come out of the room leaning against the door. If I was confused with that then I wouldn't know how to describe what happens next. The creature from the library burst out a hole in the metal and runs straight at me. I turn away and try to run in the opposite direction. Of course it's hard to run in heals but I try anyway. I don't get far before the creature knocks me down and turns me around. I stare into its snake like pupils. It looks like recognition flashes in its eyes but goes away in an instant. It raises a clawed finger as I try to control my breathing. As I look into its eyes I'm too scared to scream. It digs its claw into my right shoulder and moves it to my collarbone. Every time it's claw moves a millimeter I can feel a bit of my body being paralysed. The creature then lifts its head as if it heard something then it took of leaving me paralysed on the ground.

It must have been twenty minutes before someone came across me. Allison came stumbling across me paralysed on the ground bleeding with tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my god may. What happened."

"Creature from library...clawed from my shoulder...I can't move." I came out a mumbling mess as I'm still petrified.

"Shh it's okay. I'm going to get you out of here."

She lifts me up and carries me outside. We see stiles standing at his jeep and when he sees us he rushes straight over.

"What happened."

"She was attacked and is paralysed. Can you take her home. I got to go back to Matt."

"Okay get her in the back."

We make our way to the jeep and Allison puts me in the back. She puts my seatbelt on as stiles gets in the driver seat. Allison shuts the door as stiles tale off. By watching the stars and the crescent moon I drift off to sleep still paralysed.

This is the longest piece of writing I've ever done to celebrate 300+ reads.

Word count : 1080

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