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I slowly gained consciousness and felt pain. So much pain. Like my full body had been sandpapered down and knives were breaking through my skull. As I open my eyes I'm met with a blinding white light. Quickly I shut my eyes. I must be at the hospital. I try to remember last night but I can only remember going out to get fresh air.

The door opens and nurse McCall walks in.

"Nice to see you're awake may. You've been here for two days. You were unresponsive to everything we tried. We were all worried. Now I need you to cooperate with me. What do you remember."

"I...I...I remember walking outside...I don't really like big parties...I...I... remember walking."

Suddenly I remember Lydia hitting me. But I wasn't going to rat my sister in.

"Is that all you can remember."


"Right may, we're going to keep you in hospital for a few more days just to put you through a basic rehabilitation. I know it sounds scary but it's really not."

"Thank you nurse McCall"

"Anytime sweetie."

As ms McCall left I stare at the ceiling.

Why me.

Why is it always me.

I've lost my friends, I'm always in the dark, I'm always injured, I'm always causing mom hassle, it wouldn't surprise me if Lydia hated me.


Why can't I be like her. Everyone likes her, everyone wants to be her friend, everyone wants to be her. I'm Lydia's sister. The girl with no friends. The girl that's always in the back. The girl that no one knows.

As I'm thinking this I didn't realise the tears were pouring out of my eyes. I was brought out my thoughts when the door opens.

"Scott. Stiles"

"Shhhhh. May we need to ask you some questions."

"I don't know if right now is the best time."

"It'll only take a few seconds." Scott says.


"What happened the night of your birthday."

"I can't really remember. I went out for fresh air and then I wake up here. It's like there's a block on my memory."

"May are you sure that's all you remember." Stiles implies like something bigger is happenings


"Well if you need anything we're her for you."

"Thanks guys."

They walk out the room leaving me with my thoughts in this bright, white hospital room.

Sorry guys it's short but I've been working so hard on my other teen wolf book and my new book which is in my drafts.


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