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That night I couldn't have wished to be with 2 better people. They made me forget what had happened and instead they made the night magical. We watched the lion king as it was one of my favourite movies then when Lydia was falling asleep Allison threw a pillow at her which started a pillow fight. It was truly one of the best nights of my life no matter how bad the beginning was.

The next day was good. We just watched movies and everything was happy.

It was the day after that which was troubling


Most teachers loved me. But one did not. Our English teacher. She just didn't like the way I dressed. She always thought that I should never wear high heels but being Lydia's sister it was compulsory to wear them. She hates me that much that she gave me a detention for it. Unfortunately the detention was held with the devil... sorry Harris. At 3 o'clock I had to go to the library. Allison also had detention which made me think that it wouldn't be so bad. That was before the wicked witch of the west showed up ... oops I meant Erica. She strutted in here like she owned the place. I hope she falls. I sit at a table with Allison and Matt. Jackson them comes in making a fuss about not being able to be near Scott and stiles. I ignore them and bring out my history homework.

I'm roughly on question 5 when Jackson gets up and walks out the room. Harris on his tail. Before he leaves he tells us to stay in our seats.

"May have you heard about the rave this Saturday." Matt asks

"No but I'm intrigued now so carry on."

"Everyone in schools going. This Friday. Tickets go on sale tonight. $75 each but it'll be worth it."

"I don't know. I don't want to go by myself and I think Lydia is going shopping with our mom. I might just give it a pass."

"Oh come on. Your May Martin. You take opportunities to do something and make the most of them. You can't let this one slide."

"How do you buy the tickets."

"I'm getting mine and Allisons tonight. I can get you yours and then you can pay me back."


Then the devil returns. I start to get a headache but return to my history homework once again. Simply just writing in an answer once I read the question. The only noises you can hear is Scott and stiles frantic whispering, Matt eating his chips and me scribbling down answers. When the devil starts to pack we all follow suit.

"Oh I'm sorry but I'm leaving. You are all free to leave once you re-shelf all these books."

We all let out a groan. I stand up pushing my chair back then make my way back over to the large trolley carrying over 75 books. I pick up five and return them to a shelf. I reach to the very top shelf and just put the book in. I hear Matt come up behind me.

"May why don't you go sit down. You don't look too good."

"I'll be fine."

I start to walk away but end up seeing something that I'll never understand. Standing in front of me is a human lizard. I scream at the top of my lungs. This can't be real. It must be my imagination. Matt jumps in front of me. Trying to protect me but it only ends up in the creature scratching him and he falls to the floor and bangs his head resulting in a concussion. I however stood as still as a statue. It made its way closer to me. Placing it's claw under my chin forcing me to look at the ceiling. That's when I felt it. The most pain I had ever felt. The creature had slashed me across the torso.

Everything went in slow motion. My full body went numb. My knees collapsed and I fell to the floor. Allison came running around the corner. Horrified by what had happened to me. By now the creature had left. She ran straight to me and used her hands to stop the bleeding.


Scott came rushing but stopped when he saw me. His jaw dropped as he made his way closer.

"Allison. Listen to me. Me and stiles are going with Erica to Derek. You need to take Matt and May to the hospital. I'll take may out for you. You take Matt. Once they're both in the hospitals care phone Lydia then phone me. Do you understand."

"I understand."

Scott carefully took me out of Allisons grip then made his way out of the school building. When we reached Allisons car he carefully laid me down on the back seat. I don't want to die like this. I can already feel myself slipping away into the dark void. Allison then comes in and straps Matt in the front seat.

"You're going to be alright may. Just hold on."

But I couldn't hold on any longer the numbness was leaving me and the slow pain was filling it's gap. I knew I was going so I had to let Allison know.

"I can't. I'm sorry." I croak.

And that's when the darkness washed over.

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