New Girl (GirlxGirl)

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»Colby, get up now! You’re going to be late for school!« My dad yelled. I sighed rubbing my eyes and sat up in my bed. Another day in that hell hole called school. Great. Just… Great. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay in bed, burry my face in my pillow and stay like that forever. It wasn’t because I was exhausted or because I wasn’t in the mood. I wished it was like that. But no. Of course not. Why should my life be easy? Why should I have a life like everyone else? I didn’t want to go because I knew exactly what was going to happen. I’d step into the school building, walk to my locker, grab my books and bam! They’d be lying on the ground. The papers would be scattered everywhere and when I’d try to gather them someone would kick them further away. No one would help me. They’d simply laugh and watch me crawling on the ground. It still hurt. It hurt like it did the first time. I didn’t show it but it affected me more than anyone who didn’t have to go through something at least similar to that could ever imagine. Every time something like that happened I felt like bawling my eyes out, screaming at the top of my lungs. I felt like punching them all into hospital or run away. I felt like hurting them as much as they hurt me. But I didn’t. Instead I sat in a quiet corner with my knees up in my face and my head buried in them. I silently cried trying not to be too loud. I always went to the bathroom when no one was there and grabbed the razor. I always debated on whether I should do it or not. In the end I’d do it anyway. I stood there in front of the mirrors with my sleeve rolled up. The razor touched my skin lightly, my hand was shaking. I took a deep breath, shut my eyes tightly and pressed the edge into my skin. A sharp inhale of air was what usually came after that. Then I let it glide over my arm. It felt somehow good. The pain it was… Like my savior. Like it saved me from dying. It freed my feelings. It felt like there wasn’t any other pain anymore. Like the only pain that existed was the one in my arm. It felt like no one ever harassed me or pushed me or punched me. It felt like no one except from me was able to hurt me. It felt like I was flying. Like the pain was the source of my energy, of my freedom. I felt alive again. I knew I was alive. Though I didn’t want to be anymore… But I couldn’t do that to my father. Ever since mom died he was… I didn’t know how to call it. Weird? Sad? Overreacting? No… All of that was an understatement. He was broken. Just like me. Every time I’ve looked him in the eyes I could see the hurt, the allegations towards him. He always said he would be the reason she died. He always said if he didn’t ask her to pick me up from school she’d be still alive. But… He wasn’t the reason she died. If someone was the reason then it was me. I was the one who lost their car keys. I was the one who asked my dad instead of a friend to drive me home. I was the reason my mother was on her way to my school. I was the reason she died. My father always said it wasn’t me but… If it wasn’t me, it couldn’t be him neither.  »Colby Johnson! If you don’t get up in the next minute I’ll come to your room with a bucket of ice and you know what will happen!« His voice sounded angry. Why wouldn’t it? He was trying to get me up for half an hour now and I was still in bed.

»I’m up, dad! Be down in fifteen!« I shouted getting up. My feet slurred on the ground as I made my way to my closet. I opened the doors looking at everything. People probably thought I was like one of those emo girls. Black hair, dark clothes and who knows what else. But I wasn’t. I was the opposite. I always wore colors. No matter what my mood was like. Red, blue, green. It didn’t matter. As long as it was colorful and not depressive I wore it. I grabbed a light blue top, white jeans shorts, my black jacket and some underwear before going to the bathroom in the hallway. When I tried to open the door it was locked. I groaned loudly pounding on it. »Josh! Open the god damn door!« I yelled.

»I’ll be ready in five!« Was his answer. He was actually worse than a girl. He took half an hour to get ready for school. Hello? I was the girl. Not him. Why in the world did he take longer?

»Josh! Let me in! I’ll be late if I don’t get ready right now!« I heard a sigh behind the door before it opened. »Thanks.« I muttered. I quickly changed into my clothes, braided my hair and bent it into a ponytail before walking down the stairs into the kitchen. »Morning.« I said smiling at my dad. He didn’t know what happened at school. God… He didn’t even have a clue of how it was inside me. In front of him and my brother I was always that cheery girl with the bright smile. Both of them were oblivious to everything. I was lucky Josh wasn’t at my school. Otherwise he would’ve told our father ages ago. And that wouldn’t have ended pretty well since he was short tempered and overly protective about us. I sat down at the table as my father set a plate of pancakes in front of me. Looking at them already made me feel like throwing up. Since the bullying at school started I didn’t eat very much. In the morning my stomach hurt like hell. I took medication for it because when I was little I used to have this pain and it never disappeared. Anyways. In the morning I usually took a few bites before saying I’d be late for school. At lunch I didn’t eat anything at all. I didn’t want to go into the cafeteria just to get hurt more than I already did. So I always went to the library. I sat down in a corner next to some bookshelf and read. By now I probably read half of the books in the library. At dinner… Well… It was the only time I ate properly. Just so my dad wouldn’t be all worried about me. I ate two pieces of pancakes before the lump in my throat grew and I couldn’t swallow anything anymore. »I’ll go brush my teeth and head to school, dad. See you later.« I gave him a kiss on the cheek, ran up the stairs and slowly brushed my teeth. I wanted to use all the time I didn’t have to be at school to prepare myself for all the bullying. Thank god it was Friday. Just one more day until the weekend. I wouldn’t have to deal with those people for two days. Only problem? The weekend would be over too soon. I walked into my room, put my black vans on, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

»Colby, please come straight home after school! Anna and her sister are coming today!« My father said from the kitchen.

»Okay, bye dad!«

»Bye, honey!« I opened the door, hopped into my car and started to drive to the school. Him telling me Anna would be coming brightened my day a little bit. Anna was his new girlfriend. Or old. Whatever. They’ve been together for seven months now and finally decided to move in together. They were the cutest couple ever. The only problem was Anna lived at the other side of the US. So she’d have to come all the way here with all the boxes and everything. She and her sister would live with us. Anna in my dad’s room and her sister most likely in mine. You probably wonder why her sister was moving with her, right? The reason is that her and Anna lived together. Their parents were… Well… Let’s say not the best. Drug addicted, alcoholic and abusive. When Anna was eighteen she decided to move out and take Samantha, her sister, with her. Right now Samantha was 18. A year older than me.  Anna told me her sister was a senior, like me, and a cheerleader… Yep. She was a cheerleader. Like the ones who always bullied me… But the way Anna talked about her made it seem like she wasn’t like them at all. She seemed like a sweet, kind and caring person. And she’d go to my school. Great, right? No. Either she’d be on my bad side and bullied me like the others or she’d be on my good side and cared about me. Either way it wouldn’t be good for me. If she was on my bad side she wouldn’t tell Anna or my dad but she’d hurt me 24/7. If she was on my good side she wouldn’t bully me but she’d probably tell them. So yeah… I’ll just let her surprise me. I parked my car in a parking spot and looked at the school. My stomach clenched and my palms got sweaty.

»Here goes nothing…« I murmured under my breath and stepped out of the car. Only one day. Then I won’t have to deal with them for two days. You can do it, Colby! I thought, took a deep breath and headed towards the doors. »Yeah I can do it…«


Well... I hope you guys liked it?
First girlxgirl story, first upload. I hope you forgive me mistakes because english isn't my first language...
Please let me know if you liked it ore not and if yes I'll continue. ;)

Maggaey xx

New Girl (GirlxGirl/Lesbian Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now