Chapter 13

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»Sammie!« I heard someone yell as Sam and I walked towards the airports entrance. She turned her head looking around. Her gaze was scanning all the people around us until it got stuck on a pretty blonde girl. A wide smile spread across her face as she dropped her suitcase onto the ground and ran towards her with her arms stretched out in front of her.

»Josie!« She squealed happily and they leaped into each other’s arms. Both of them were jumping up and down like little children and they yelled like there’s no tomorrow while I stood here with my suitcase in my hand looking at them. Well… That was pretty awkward… Trying not to seem so… Let’s say stupid. Trying not to seem so stupid I pulled out my cell phone and dialed my dad’s number. It rang a few times but no one picked it up. With a sigh I ended the call and decided on texting him.

-Hey dad, I tried calling you but you didn’t pick up. Just wanted to let you know we’re in San Francisco now and everything’s alright. Call you tonight.

Love, Colby.-

I put my phone back into my pocket and when I looked up again a grinning Sam stood in front of me with that blonde chick next to her. Now that she was near me I could see how pretty she really was. I mean, from far away she already looked nice but now… Now she looked even better. She was hot with the blonde hair and hourglass figure. Not that I was checking her out. Nope. Why would I check out another girl when I had the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world? No one could compete with Sam. She was perfection.

»Colbs, meet Josie, my best friend.« She said nudging the girls shoulder. So that was Josie… I definitely didn’t imagine her like that. Sam always described her as cute, adorable and extremely clumsy. But she didn’t seem to be any of that. Though this nervous expression on her face was pretty adorable. »Cupcake, meet my awesome, beautiful and super adorable girlfriend, Colby.« Her arm was now around my shoulder as she pulled me into her side.

»You always have to exaggerate things.« I said rolling my eyes.

»No I don’t. You are all of that and even more.« Sam exclaimed frowning at me causing me to raise an eyebrow at her. »You’re so mean. I’m just saying the truth.« Now she pouted. Oh man… Sam pouting was the cutest thing ever.

»Aww… Baby, I’m sorry.« I cooed at her.

»Nope. I won’t talk to you anymore.« She said in a bitchy tone and held her nose high into the sky.

»Alright. If that’s the case I can go back home, huh?« I shrugged. Two could play this little game, girl. I grabbed my suitcase not giving her a second look and turned towards Josie who was watching us with an amused expression on her face. »It was nice meeting you, Josie. But seems like Sam doesn’t want me here anymore. See you.« I smiled at her sweetly before taking off towards the gate we’ve exited just a few minutes ago. I heard Sam gasp as I walked away and moments later two arms were wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a body. I knew this would work.

»You, Missy, aren’t going anywhere.« Sam breathed into my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine.

»Oh, someone’s talking to me again.« I grinned turning around in her arms.

»Well I couldn’t let my girl fly home, could I?« She retorted and brushed her nose against mine. »How am I supposed to survive this week without you by my side?«

»Like you did before you knew me, obviously.« I said sarcastically and earned me a glare from her as I tried to walk away from her again. I loved playing with her.

»Nope. Uh-uh. No way. I won’t let you go.« With that she pulled me back once again but this time I didn’t end up in her arms. Instead of hugging me again she threw me over her shoulder like I was a cloth.

New Girl (GirlxGirl/Lesbian Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now