Chapter 6

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 I was sitting in my car in front of the school, waiting for Sam. I still couldn’t believe it. She actually stood up for me! Though I was more than happy about the fact that she actually cared about me and would even consider hurting others only to protect me, I was somehow scared though. I was scared for her. What would Bianca and her bimbos do to her after what she did? Would she treat her as bad as me? Or even worse? I was sure they wouldn’t let Sam off the hook that easily. Everyone probably thought she’d be gay, too which would mean she wouldn’t be treated much better than me. Insults, violence, humiliation. That were the things I had to deal with daily. And that was what I was afraid of. I wasn’t sure if she could actually deal with it. With all the hatred she’d receive. I was almost one hundred percent sure she’d be treated even worse for talking back to Bianca. For threatening her and for calling her a bitch. No one ever did that. Everyone knew not to do anything to Bianca. ‘Cause it was like social suicide. Alright. There was a girl who did that before except for Mary. That girl actually hit her. A week later she changed schools. Then she moved to another town, another state. All because Bianca had her people everywhere. It didn’t matter where you were. There was always someone who was friends with her. You had almost no chance of escaping her. So you better not got onto her bad side. Otherwise you’d have a serious problem.

As I was thinking about what would happen to Sam, she exited the school. She was looking around as if looking for someone. When her eyes found me she immediately smiled showing her pearly white teeth. Then she walked over to the car hopping into the passenger’s seat.

»Hey.« I greeted her and she grinned at me.

»Hey, Colby.« After she buckled the seatbelt in I drove off. Silence filled the car. No one spoke. Both of us were in our own worlds. She was looking out of the window in deep thought, I was looking straight ahead trying to concentrate on the street. After about five minutes we reached a red light and I halted. She looked at me, gave me a small smile and turned on the radio. Sam switched through the channels. From time to time a frown made its way onto her face, sometimes she scrunched up her nose, then she rolled her eyes once again. »Seriously, it’s like they keep all the good songs to themselves!« She groaned and hit her had onto the window of the door. I laughed at that and continued driving when the light switched to green. While keeping my eyes on the road I switched through the channels until I finally found one that played one of my favorite songs. So I stayed on the channel and started bopping my head to the beat. I sneaked a glance at Sam to see her looking at me with an amused smile.

»What?« I asked.

»Nothing, nothing.« She chuckled. I knew she found it funny how I tapped one of my hands on the steering wheel and swung my head from side to side. And since I loved the way she laughed I decided to top that. I turned the radio louder and joined in.

»Just don't stop let's keep the beat pumpin'

Keep the beat up, let's drop the beat down

It's my party, dance if I want to

We can get crazy, let it all out

It's you and me and we're runnin' this town

And it's me and you and we're shakin' the ground

And ain't nobody gonna tell us to go

'Cause this is our show


Whoa, come on

Oh, all you animals

Whoa, let me hear you now, oh« I sang loudly while moving my right arm through the air in weird movements and swaying slightly from side to side making her burst out laughing. She bent over in hysterical laughter fighting for oxygen to fill her lungs. Frightened that she would die right next to me, I pulled the car over, unbuckled my seatbelt and bolted out of the car. Seconds later I was at her door, opened it and kneeled down next to her. »You alright?« I asked lifting her head. She nodded and breathed heavily. Tears were streaming down her face and both her hands held her stomach.

New Girl (GirlxGirl/Lesbian Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now