2 • I Was Screwed

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'This Is Gospel' by Panic! At The Disco blasted through my earphones and added a skip to my step as I walked to the familiar coffee shop which supplied me with my daily dosage of caffeine. I had made it kind of a routine to visit this place every morning I went to college, therefore meaning I was walking there every morning. I used to get a lift off my aunt to college, but me walking was just another step closer to my independence, so I didn't mind.

Anyway, as I was walking down the pavement, gaining weird looks from people that passed me, (which I didn't blame them for because I was literally bobbing my head up and down like a madman), I heard muffled shouting behind me. I ignored it at first, but the noise became louder and louder, resulting in me to yank my earphones out of my ears and turn around. What I saw wasn't what I expected.

There were a good ten or more men and women dressed in causal clothing, holding professional looking cameras in their hands and snapping a million photos a second.

Photos of me.

I had never been more confused, but I didn't even have time to ask what was going on because I knew that they were paparazzi, and I knew that the flashing lights were blinding me, causing me to raise my arm and shield my eyes.

"How did it feel to kiss Lauren Jauregui?!" one of them shouted out, not even bothering to introduce themselves.

My eyes widened at what came out of their mouths, and I was stood there in shock, wondering if they had said what I thought they just did. They couldn't have known about my kisses with Lauren... nobody but Lauren and I knew.

"Um, I think you have the wrong girl...," I trailed off nervously, turning around and walking away, picking my pace up. I had to get away from these people, and the best way to do that was to play dumb, right? If not, Lauren would probably kill me.

The group of people pushed past each other and blocked my front, aka, my only way to get to college. I turned around to get away from them, only for them to block me there, too. There were more than I imagined to be, and I had absolutely no idea how to get out without giving them what they wanted. Which obviously wasn't an option, so it looked like I would be stuck here all day.

"What's your name?" one of the women asked, snapping multiple pictures of me simultaneously.

I raised my eyebrow, unfamiliar with how to deal with the paparazzi. All I knew was that I didn't even know her, so why would I tell her my name? "What's yours?" I retorted, slightly defensive.

The vibrations of all of them laughing in unison gave me the creeps, and I closed my arms around my body protectively, feeling trapped in this crowd of people. As a subconscious response to situations like these, I pushed my glasses up the bride of my nose, knowing there was a high possibility that I would lose them if I didn't.

"I work for TMZ magazine," she replied, moving the camera away from my face. One of her 'colleagues' stepped forward and moved a microphone to my face as she asked, "What's your name?"

"Um, Y/N," I settled on just telling them my first name. You can't do much with that, right? At least there was no chance of my credit card getting hacked or something. "Please can I ask what you want? I'm kind of busy..."

Playing it dumb... it was working, right?

"We just want to know when you are coming out with Lauren, your majesty!" a man shouted from somewhere to the left.

I rolled my eyes harshly at his ridicule towards my accent. I wasn't even from London, you uneducated idiot. "What do you guys mean, 'come out with her'? I never even kissed her!" I exclaimed, pretty darn convincingly if I must say so myself.

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