7 • The Internet Is A Very Controversial Place

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@5hismahshi: Y/S/N is so cute!!

@djxcamally: Y/N seems pretty cool & im glad Lo is happy tbh

@laurjegixx: #Y/S/Nisotp #harmonizersarehappyforyoulauren

A smile tugged at my lips as I scrolled down my Twitter mentions. Fifth Harmony's fans were so sweet, and it made my heart melt to know that they were accepting of Lauren and I's relationship. Of course, it still took some getting used to, to see all of the tweets and pictures involving Lauren and I, as I wasn't used to this much attention, but Lauren was worth it.

Lauren and I had become even closer than we were since we started dating, if that was even possible, and I think that despite not publicly announcing our relationship, everyone had picked up on it anyway. This meant more media attention, including being stalked on social media, which Y/BF/N found more appealing than I. Unfortunately, there were some negatives, such as being hounded by paparazzi at every date or place Lauren and I were seen together at. The good part was that the girls could finally post photos and videos and such of us all now, unlike before when we had to keep it on the low.

Interviewers and fans had tried to get all the details of Lauren and I out of Lauren herself, whether that be online, or in interviews. Lauren wouldn't give too much away, which I appreciated, but just enough to keep them off our backs.

I felt like I was handling all the attention well, or at least better than I thought I would. I mean, being stopped in the street because I was 'the Lauren Jauregui's girlfriend' would take some getting used to, but the online stuff was much easier. I enjoyed reading the cute things fans would say about us, as it reassured me that they liked me. I would try to interact with them too, so they didn't think I was stuck up or anything. It was pretty fun.

Of course there were mean things people wrote too, but as the girls liked to constantly reassure me, they were the ones who had no lives. The girls were very supportive and always defended me when necessary, so I didn't worry too much about it. They kept me on the positivity boat. I knew not everybody would agree with our relationship, and I eventually learnt to blank them out.

"Ooh, that's a cute candid of us," Lauren commented from beside me on my couch. Her slender finger pointed towards my laptop screen, at a photo that a fan had tweeted of us. "Retweet it."

I laughed but did as she said, silently agreeing that it was a good photo of us. Even though the paparazzi could get annoying at times, I had to admit. They took some pretty good shots of us.

"And... its retweeted," I announced after clicking the correct button. "Happy?"

I glanced at the older girl, who was slouched into the back of the couch, her body stretched out. Her legs were leaning on the coffee table, and she had her eyes focused on her phone, seemingly interested in whatever it was that she was doing.

She lowered her phone and looked to me, smirking teasingly. "Ecstatic," she stated, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

I rolled my eyes playfully, a smile ghosting my lips, and she giggled adorably before leaning forward and pressing a kiss against my cheek. She returned to her position, except this time, she laid her head down on the armrest of the couch, and stretched her legs across my lap, over my laptop.

I quirked an eyebrow at the oblivious girl. "Really?"

She tore her eyes away from her phone, only to smile sheepishly at me. Her green eyes were sparkling with mischief, and I bit my lip to suppress the urge to smile at how beautiful she looked.

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