author's note

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Okay, so I have so much to say but no idea how to say it

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Okay, so I have so much to say but no idea how to say it.

Firstly, there's a lot of you guys that stuck with this story, even after the many hiatuses I went through (including the biggest one where I said I was done and then published the final chapter lol), and for that, I am extremely grateful!

I don't know why I suddenly decided to finish the last chapter. A lot of you kept asking me to, even after I claimed it was a discontinued story. I found it difficult to finish a story I wasn't proud of, nor I had no passion to complete. I usually plan my stories first and write them, THEN publish them (as I've said many times), but Homework Helper and Actual Love were stories I didn't do that with, hence why it's rocky and barely understandable, and why it took me so long to finish it.

Nonetheless, I guess I was looking back at it the other day and realised I should just finish it. I was reading through comments and messages (that I was still getting years later!) asking me to finish it, and I figured that if you guys can stick with me that long, you deserve some kind of ending. So, yeah, I did it, and it's not amazing, it's not perfect, but it's an ending. A resolution to a story I distinctly remember writing as a 16-year-old and that I am now completing as a 20-year-old.

As much as I cringe from writing them, they're nostalgic for me. I loved 5H so much (still do oops) and wrote these stories, and I love looking back and remembering exactly when I wrote it. I kinda grew alongside 'y/n' did, so yeah, I'm glad you all seemed to like this badly-planned, spontaneous fanfiction I wrote about Lauren Jauregui 😂

Once again, thank you all so much for reading, commenting and sharing these stories. And thank you for keeping up with it, even after I was sure it would remain discontinued.

They're a big part of my self-acceptance as a gay person, as are 5H and writing in general, so it's nice to keep on my profile, despite how cringe they are lol.

I hope you guys stick with my other works – I've got a few things planned for other fandoms (all gay ofc, duh). If not, thank you anyway, and I love you all so much.

Thank you x

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