18 • It Was My Fault This Time

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"I vote we make cupcakes and cookies," Dinah suggested, a childish grin on her lips

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"I vote we make cupcakes and cookies," Dinah suggested, a childish grin on her lips.

"I vote Ally makes cupcakes and cookies for us all whilst we all watch some TV," Normani suggested, exchanging mischievous glances with Dinah, who ended up high-fiving her.

"Hey!" Ally pouted, crossing her arms.

"Guys, be nice," I warned the two older girls, funnily enough. "We agreed to bake together. Besides, that's the fun bit! Right, Camila?"

I looked to the Cuban, who was too busy salivating over the pictures of the baked goods in the recipe books before us. I rolled my eyes when I realised she wasn't even listening.

"Let me try this again... right, Camila?"

She finally looked up, her eyes lost and confused as they met mine. "Hmm, what? Yeah, totally, chocolate is good."

I face-palmed as Normani and Dinah chuckled to themselves and Ally playfully glared at them.

"We're all helping one another and that's–" Lauren coughed before continuing, "–that's final."

I couldn't hold in my amused smile as I said, "Darling, are you sure you're up for it? You're still recovering..."

Lauren shot me an award-winning smile. "I want cookies, okay? I'm fine."

I laughed at her comment. "Okay, love, if you say so."

When I looked back to the other three band members, I saw they were still arguing between themselves, but a phone ringing shut them up. It turned out to be Normani's phone, so she excused herself as she took the call. The other girls and I continued to pick out some recipes we thought would be cool to make when Normani returned, an excited grin on her lips.

"Oh my god, guys! Guess who just got invited to a party with Beyonce there?!"

Before anyone could respond, Dinah's high-pitch scream deafened us all.

"Girl, don't be trippin'!" she yelled in Normani's face.

"Girl, you wish I was!"

"The Beyonce?!" Camila began to jump up and down in excitement. "Holy shit, when guys? When?!"

Normani placed her phone back on the kitchen counter as she explained, "Well, Will just called me and said there's a party starting up in about an hour and he wanted to let us know in case we wanted to go because freakin' Beyonce is going to be there!"

Dinah's screams deafened us all once again, but understandably, I guess.

"Yeah, but Lauren is sick," Ally pointed out the obvious. "And we can't just leave Y/N here. We invited her..."

I gave Ally an 'are you serious?' look. "Dude, that's bloody Beyonce! You're kidding me, right? Y'all should be getting ready to leave! You don't leave the queen waiting!"

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