11 • I Should Have Known

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"Y/N, come back! Please, let me explain!"

I ignored Lauren's calls and continued to run and run. I needed to be anywhere but with her right now. Reaching the lift, I pressed the button as fast as I could. When the doors opened, I jumped inside and punched the correct button quickly.

"Come on, come on," I whimpered, praying the doors would shut quick enough.

Thankfully, they did, and I let out a shaky breath when I was alone in the lift. Using this moment to catch my breath and collect my thoughts, I leaned back against the railing and tried to calm my breathing. Tears were still flowing though, and my heart was still racing.

What Lauren and I had wasn't real. But it is. She loves you. No, she doesn't. She was using me for publicity. She cares about you. She made love to you. It was all an act. And now she's done with you. No, it's a misunderstanding. But it isn't. I heard loud and clear.

The realisation that I had been played this whole time dawned on me, and I found myself choking back sobs. Had she planned this to happen the whole time? Did she only talk to me that day on Twitter to pull this? Was our friendship and relationship a lie the whole time?


The lift doors opened and I found myself speed-walking out of them, keeping my head down because I looked like a wreck and the tears were still coming. If anybody saw me right now, they would want to talk and question me and right now, all I wanted to do was cry in my bed.

Due to being lost in my own raging thoughts, I bumped into somebody on the way out, and without looking up, I let out a shaky "Sorry," before continuing my way to the exit. I couldn't hear Lauren's calls in the background which was good, but I wasn't good. Everything inside me was numb and I didn't know what to do.

"Y/F/N? Is that you?"

I looked up momentarily, only to widen my eyes when I saw a good twenty people with cameras pointed my way. It was as if they had been waiting outside for somebody of attention to walk out of the studio.

"She's crying!" one of them shouted the obvious, and before I knew it, they were all racing up to me with their cameras.

I tried to push out of the huddle they were creating, but I was getting nowhere and in fact, ended up crying even more. I felt claustrophobic and stuffy and I didn't want to be trapped by some stupid people who only wanted a story.

"Why are you crying, Y/N?!"

"Did Lauren make you cry like this?!"

"Did the girls say something to you?!"

I chewed on my lip as I tried to keep my head down and avoid the camera lenses and flashes. But their questions were eating away at me, and their cameras were only lowering so they could get the perfect shot of me sobbing like a child.

"Please, leave me alone," I cried out helplessly, making more of an effort to force myself past them. It wasn't working though.

"Move! Now!"

A recognisable deep, gruff voice was heard from behind the huddle I was in, and I made the mistake of looking up to see who my saviour was. One of the cameras ended up hitting me in the face, causing my glasses to get knocked off, and a stinging pain to be felt on my forehead. Could this day get any worse?

I lamely attempted to bend down and grab my snapped glasses, but that was the second mistake I made. I got knocked onto the pavement from the close force of all of the paparazzi, and I found myself groaning as my knees hit the tarmac. I reached around for my glasses, only to keep getting stood on by their shoes. They were still trying to snap photos of me as I was obviously suffering, and this didn't help with my emotional self right now.

Actual Love | a Lauren/You FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now