Chapter Six [Edited]

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I blinked my eyes a couple times because these bright lights are annoying my eyes. I try and sit up but feel an arm restraining me from doing so. I look at the owner of the arm and breathe out. Thank goodness it's only Stephen.

I get a evil plan already started in my mind. "Stephen wake up please?" I whispered in his ear...

He doesn't stir. Okay, but he made me do this. "STEPHEN WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW!!!" And I push him off my bed and he lands with a 'oomph'.

He gets up and looks at me wide-eyed. "What happened!? You woke me up, come on I was having an awesome dream!" He whines.

I roll my eyes. "Is it the one where you find Candy Island? And you stuff your face. And gloat about it in FlapJacks face?" He looks at me.

"How did you know?! Are you stalking me in my dreams! Shit! Did you see that dream with you in it." He isn't looking at me, but I'm defiantly looking at him.

"What dream tell me or ill severely injure your legs and arms."

"Uh it was you just... Being a woman... Cooking, cleaning.. You know."

"No I don't know. Care to inform me though?" I raise a lone eyebrow and tilt my head to the side. Waiting for him to go on.

"Woman things?"

"You.. you are so sexist!" I shout at him, stuttering over my words. Flabbergasted at his response.

"Who's sexist?" I look at my door and see Zander there.

"None of your business." I divert my eyes back to Stephen. "You. let's go and make me food!" I frolic out the door and down to the kitchen.

"Hey Jasey poo." I go and kiss him on the check.

"Hey.." I look at him and notice he looks like death. "Whats wrong Jasey?" I feel his arms wrap around me and hug me tight.

"I am so so so sorry Bliss. I didn't mean it!" He mumbles into my neck.

I push him back a little."What do you mean?"

"I didn't notice i put tomatoes in your Samwich and you had an allergic reaction. I didn't mean to please, forgive me?" He pleads.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Jasey you made a mistake, big deal-." When he interrupted me.

"BIG DEAL!? You were passed out for more than a day! That's a big deal!" Oh...

"It's alright Jasey Poo. It's no big deal. Look, I'm here, I'm alive!" I motion myself up and down "It's all good!".

He kissed my cheek. "I'm just really guilty. I'm just sorry." I nod my head in an okay motion.

"You didn't mean to. Well I need to take my food that Stephen made me." I go over to Stephen. "Did you make me food?"

"Yeah its over there." Hes said with a whole bunch of food it sounded like 'geff izs offr here.' I look over at the table and see a bowl full of...


"Gee thanks Stephy Baby." Sarcasm dripping from ever word. He didn't notice and only answered with "I know. I'm awesome, don't thank me."

I walk over to him and smack him across the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" He whined like a damn baby.

"For feeding a growing werewolf woman. Me. Cereal and not real food like.... Your bacon."

I grab his bacon and run with all my might to my room and lock the door. "Open up... You know what whatever I'll mess your room up." Wait what... I'm in my roo-.

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