Chapter 20

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I know... Don't yell at me. Don't say anything about me not uploading. I feel... GUILTY AS FUCK! There I said it... t(-.-t) Yeah, I'm uploading today.. Because I love my Fans.. And I can't disappoint you guises any longer! I hope I gain more fans along the way. :3

So here goes nothing! Ready for the magic words?

Read Away!!!!!


 Bliss Pov.

It's  been a week since The incidence with Jason. And I felt like a coward, avoiding him everywhere. Even in the pack house halls.

Whenever i saw his light blonde hair or his electric blue eyes. I would turn the corner or turn around.

On many attempts he would try and catch up to me, but I would escape the unneeded conversation.

I would have to see him again, I am his beta. I groan internally.

I go to my room and enter, whilst throwing my door closed. I flick on the lights and when I turned around a scream forced from throat out of my lips.

"Shit, I didn't mean to scare you Bli!" He jumped up and glided towards be.

I shut my mouth and looked away. Trying to calm down my racing mind.

I feel a light touch on my chin, Causing a tingling electricity to course through me, causing my wolf to pur in excitement at her mate being so close. I felt my eyes flutter open at the affection touch, allowing them to close once again.

I can feel my wolf clawing at my inner walls to be let free.

Zander lifted my chin to look at him. But I kept my eyes closed.

"Can we talk, please?" He whispered out, his breathe fanning my face. I inhaled, his breathe smelling like mint. I felt my head get lightheaded.

I said something incoherent. Not knowing what to say.

I speak again. "Zander can we.. Not tonight, please. Tomorrow morning. I've had a rough week." I sighed, putting my face into his palm, content.

I realized what I'm doing and pull out from his light grasp on my chin and head over to my bed,I don't change my clothes since I'm to tired to even bother.

"You know where the door is Zander, close it on the way out, please." I said quietly, sliding into my bed and pulling the duvet over my whole frame.

:Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Night." He said muffled due by the thick hand sewn duvet covering my ears.

After he left, I easily fell into a undisturbed sleep.


The next morning Ike to someone knocking on my door, I groaned,

I noticed I was sprawled out on the floor, without my comfy duvet. How the hell did I get here?

I got up and slowly walked to the door with my eyes half way shut. I opened the door to be pushed back, and someone storm in.

I start to stumble but caught myself before falling. I look over to my bed to see Jackson sitting there, In concentration.

"Jackson, what do you want so early in the morning? I was obviously sleeping." I walked over and slipped back in my bed, rolling over to my stomach with my arms supporting my head.

:Oh, yeah, sorry." He said after he snapped out of his trance. "It seems that Mum and Dad won't be back for quite some time. They are enjoying themselves to much to welcome their own daughter back." He said with so much disdain and sarcasm.

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