Chapter 24.

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Hey! Thanks guys for putting me in Werewolf #735 <3 I LOVE YOU! <.< Haha. Anyways The story is almost to an end >TwT< Yup.

Anyways go ahead and read away Hunh? :)


__Blisses Pov__

It's been over almost a day. I think? Being in this dark room is making me sick to my stomach.

Its dingy, dainty, and creepy. At the beginning I closed my eyes. I close my eyes.. I imagine I'm home. I'm a normal person. No werewolf. No mate. No decision. Just me at home with my parents.. That actually love me, my brother taking care of me.

Was it hard to think of. Yes. Because all that seemed wrong in my eyes. It felt surreal.

Probably because it was.

When I opened my eyes. Woke up. Anything. I'd always come face to face with the stingy darkness.

I can small death off the walls and floors. It reeks, it clogs up my sinus. Especially with all the dust prodding around.

The pain is unbearable. It's still moving its way slowly over my body. I cant feel my right arm anymore. In actuality, I can barely feel my right side.

Making me weak and vulnerable on that side.

I uncurl my self from the corner, stretching out my workable limbs. Yawing, I sneeze in the middle from the dust collecting around my nose when I inhaled.

I use my left hand and leg to help me prop myself up.

I pushed myself back, hitting the wall with my back. I leaned my head back making sure I had my balance before i let my hand go limp.

I look up to what I'm hoping is the ceiling. I hearing rusted metal creaking. I look to my front and see the small light coming through.Making my eyes squint at the sudden radiant light. Even though it was dim it hurt my eyes to stare to long.

It opened more, the door looked mighty heavy. Like it need to be forced open like a door that hasn't been used in forever.

A figure stepped in the way blocking the light out a little. A woman figure. I closed my eyes. Still sensing it moving forward towards me.

My senses are still there. Barely.

I felt sharp hands take my shoulder. Pulling me up from the ground like a rag doll.

They took my face in their hands and jerked it up, making my neck hurt.

When I looked up, the light was shining on her face making it visible in the dark.

I gasped at the horrific thing I saw.

The face was morphing, Still half of the face was Evas'. But when I saw the other half it was changing into a mans. Big brown menacing eyes.

The more it was changing the more I identified the person.

"What... What are you?" I cried out horrified. Moving my face more back.

His wide eyes looked into mine. They sharpened, they intensified when they looked at me.

I would have looked down and whimpered. But this was different. I looked Raphael in the eyes with a determined stare, not letting him know I was giving up. That I still had hope they were coming for me.

I started to wonder. Were they? What were they doing at this exact moment?


__3rd point of view__

It was the middle of the night. Zander was sprawled out in Bliss's queen sized bed. It was the most comfortable bed he has ever laid upon.

But even at the he still found himself jerking awake and reaching out to protect a girl that wasn't there. He woke up at the crack of dawn. He looked around frantically.

He sighed when he didn't find what he was looking for. He dropped his upper body back down on the bed and put his right hand over his heart, as if it was breaking.

He clenched his hand and he had a tight grip on his shirt.

Her room looked so untouched. Bits of the room already collecting dust from neglect.

The room looked so bland and dull without her there to brighten up the room.

He took her duvet and wrapped it around himself.He brought it up to his nose and took a huge whiff. Knowing in his head her scent will still be their after 3 days.

Her scent wafting around him, her scent was barely there. But he could pick it up easily His eyes looked on the verge of tears. His faced showed longing.

It's only been a week and he almost, utterly felt like an empty shell. An agonizing week. Not knowing what has happened to his mate, Bliss.

This damn witch was taking to long.

His mind was getting hazy. He curled up into her pillow, his body spooning it.

His eyes were drooping when her door was slammed open. Making him jump off, his mind having hope.

"Bliss!!" He all but screamed out, when he saw it was only Jason he put on a stoic face.

"No," Jason said confused," When I didn't see you in your room, this was the place I knew you were in. I would be in here to..." he trailed off, He walked in. Moving over to her messy desk.

He picked up a stuffed dog, and held it to him. "I gave her this when she became my beta. A joke between us." Jason had this dazed out look.

"You love her? But I'm not sharing." Zander stated making Jason snapped out of his daze.

His face snapped over to his. "I know, that's why I tried harder." He had a ferce look on his face, then it softened when he looked down to see the bear he had such a tight grip on. He unclenched his knuckles and held onto it.

"She loved you to much." He looked at him with unknown eyes.

"She love-"

"Don't! Don't." He dropped her stuffed dog. "She wanted to, to forget about you. To make you jealous.. But she never wanted me, like how I wanted her to want me." He looked down. "Like I wanted her."

He picked up the Dog again, hugged it to his chest. He closed his eyes for a minute and took the bear out from his embrace. He gave it a sad look and gently put it on the desk where it was tucked in with the other stuffed animals.

"Eva, she found a location. But she found another linking it to Raphael, she said it was where he frequently went to besides here, their place and school. Said he was there a while ago. We'll be invading the place tomorrow." He gave me a meek smile and walked out with large strides.


Not long but Yeah. Thank you for ranking me in werewolves#735 and Humor#836 <3 This was just a little sentimental for these two guiesse <3 Lol.

Ps. Did you go and read my best friends (FictionalDisease) book? Lol. :D




ScreamoLover peace out!

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