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"What are you doing here?" Tiana asks as she opens her frontdoor.

"Why do you look so surprised?" I wonder.

"It's just that your parents want you nowhere around me." She claims.

"T, who is that at the door?" I hear. I push pass Tiana and walk inside the apartment. I see a tall, blond, white girl sitting on the sofa smiling at me.

"Who the hell are you?" I demand.

"Don't be rude, Litany. This is India." Tiana says.

"Nice to meet you. We were just talking about you." India says.

"Didn't you two use to date? Why are you here?" I demand.

"She's my friend and I needed someone to talk to." Tiana sighs.

"About what?" I ask.

"You, Litany. I needed to tell someone how I've fallen for this beautiful teenager and how this romeo and juliet love story was going to work out." She explains.


"You should be resting." She says.

"Didn't you just have surgery?" India asks. I roll my eyes at her. "You really should be resting." She adds.

"You should mind your own business." I huff.

"Let's lay you down." Tiana says as she leads me to the bedroom. I strip down to my bra and underwear and climb inside the bed.

"Are you gonna join me?" I ask.

"No, if I climb inside that bed with you then you will never get any sleep." Tiana says as she bites down on her bottom lip.

I flip the covers back and summon her with my index finger. "I don't need to sleep." I insist.

She slowly crawls torwards me and smashes her lips to mine. She climbs on top of me and unhooks my bra as I remove her shirt.

As soon as Tiana and I were both completely naked I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. "What the hell are you doing?" I demand glaring at India.

"I figured you two forgot I was still here." She shrugs as she lust fully stares at us.

"Well you can leave now." I say.

"Or she can stay?" Tiana whispers in my ear before nibbling on it.

Before I could even protest India had already started removing her clothes and making her way torwards the bed. Fuck....Tiana was turning me into a completely different person.


India, Tiana, and I decided to take a bubble bath after our little adventure. I lay against Tiana's chest as India sits across from us.

"Am I supposed to feel like this?" India asks.

"Like what?" I wonder.

"Like I'm going to jail if anyone finds out about this." She laughs.

"Don't worry the only person going to jail is me." Tiana sighs.

"You aren't going anywhere, T." I assure her. She leans down and kisses my temple before wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you." She whispers in my ear, so only I can hear it.

Knock. Knock.

"Who's here?" I wonder.

"I don't know. Just don't leave the bedroom just in case." Tiana says as she gets up and puts on her robe.

I get out of the tub along with India and put on some of Tiana's clothes. I put on a tank top and some shorts and slightly crack the bedroom the door open.

"I know she's here." Lucious says.

"You need to leave my apartment. I haven't seen Litany in weeks." Tiana lies.

"You better tell me where my fucking daughter is." Cookie demands.

"I don't know." Tiana lies again.

"Maybe we need to check the bedroom." Lucious suggest.

"Don't!" Tiana yells.

"Why, who are you hiding?" Cookie says.

"Hide in the closet." India instructs me. I do as she says just in time for the door to swing open and my parents barge in.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize we had company." India lies.

"So this is why you didn't want us to come back here?" Lucious says.

"Yeah." Tiana sighs.

"I guess we'll leave you two to your business." Cookie says as they head out.

I sit in the closet until Tiana opens it and hugs me. "Baby you need to go home before they come back." She sighs.

"No." I demand. "I am not going home to Lucious."

"I'm going to go guys. Tonight was fun." India smiles as she leaves the apartment.

"I'm serious, Litany." Tiana demands.

"I'm tired and I'm going to bed." I tell her.


"Wake up sleepyhead." Tiana whispers in my ear. I roll over and pull the blankets over my head. "C'mon I made you breakfast."

"Let me sleep." I whine.

She yanks the covers off of me and climbs on top of me. "Wake up now." She demands as she kisses me.

I open my eyes and push her off of me. "What did you make me?" I wonder.

"It's a surprise." She smiles as she takes my hand and leads me torwards the kitchen.

She pulls out my chair for me and sets a plate full of fruit down infront of me. "What the hell is this?" I complain.

"I read that you need to eat healthy, Litany." She sighs.

"I can eat healthy when I'm dead." I pout.

"Don't say that." She demands. "Just because you got the transplant doesn't mean you are out the woods. You are still sick and I want you to be better and healthy. I can't lose you."

"I'm sorry, T. I didn't meant it. I just like my food." I pout.

She kisses me and feeds me some of my fruit. "Well, you better get use to this because you are not going to have bacon and pancakes for a while."

Knock. Knock.

"Eat up. I think that's India. She said she left her jacket here." Tiana says as she heads over to answer the door.

"Let's go, Litany." Cookie demands and she walks into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I demand.

"India told me you was here, now let's go before Lucious comes back here and drags you out of here." She demands.

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