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Litany's  Pov

I lean over and kiss Tiana on the lips as we head for the airport. I'm so excited to be going away with her. This will be good for our relationship.

Ring. Ring.

I sigh as my phone rings. "Hello?"

"I need to see you right now." Rhea says through the phone.

"What's wrong? Why you sound so distraught?"

"I've seen things Lit. I heard things today and I need you to meet me at home."

"I don't live with Lucious no more." I tell her. "I live with Judy."

"I know that. I was just there."

"What were you doing there?" I wonder.

"That's what I need to talk to you about." She sighs.

"I can't meet up right now. I'm busy."

"I saw Judy and Candace kissing Lit. They were kissing. Tongue and all now get your ass over to Lucious's house right now." She demands before hanging the phone up.

I walk into the house and see Rhea sitting down at the table. She was crying into her hands.

"What's going on?" I wonder.

"I finally get it now Lit." She says as she leans back in her chair.

I take the seat next to her and hold her hand. "What are you talking about?"

"She was raped, Lit. Candace was raped and she had me from it. That's why she hates me. I remind her of a rapist."

"Why would you say that? Who told you that?" I demand.

"I heard her and Judy talking. They use to date and while they were dating Candace got raped. She gave me to Judy cause she couldn't handle it."

Rhea cries into my chest as I stroke her hair. I didn't know what to say or what to think. She just called Judy a lesbian. A lesbian that is in love with my aunt at that. Maybe she didn't know what she was seeing.

Although, Judy being a lesbian and being in love with Candace would explain why she never got married. Actually I've never seen Judy even go on a date. She always said her only focus was us girls. Her daughters.


I walk into Judy's house and see her talking on the phone in the livingroom. She is smiling like a schoolgirl and doesn't even seem to notice me.

"Judy." I say as I wave my hand infront of her face.

Her eyes widen before she hangs up the phone. "Hey Lit! What are you doing here so early?"

"I need to talk about Rhea." I sigh. "She said some things and I wanted to know if they were true."

"What did she say?" She wonders.

I sit down and stare into her eyes. "She said you were kissing Candace." I tell her.

She looks down and sighs. "What else did she say?"

"That Candace was raped and that's why she hates her."

"That's not entirely true. Candace doesn't hate Rhea." Judy claims.

"So you were kissing her and she was raped?" I ask.

"A lot of things happened back then. It was really messy. Candace was married and we had no business being together."

"You love her?" I wonder.

"I don't want to talk about this." She sighs and fiddles with her hands.

"Well I do. Rhea is my sister and I care about her. This is really hurting her."

"Rhea is my daughter." Judy says. "I have loved her and she came from a time where love was evident in my life. Yes, Candace was raped, but that's not the only reason she gave Rhea up. She gave her up, so I could have a peice of her in my life. She did it for me."

"It sounds to me like she did it because she didn't want to give up her husband." I say as I roll my eyes.

"That's not true. Candace loves me. She only stayed with him for her children." Judy demands.

"She was never going to actually leave him Judy. You need to move on before it is too late." I advise her.

"I'm not taking dating advice from a teenager." She chuckles.

"Well can you at least talk to Rhea?" I ask her.

She nods and gives me a hug. Rhea was actually right. Judy is in love with Candace.


Sorry guys. I know I took forver to update and this chapter is really short, but just stay tune and watch out for more updates.

Thank you all for reading. I appreciate it.

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