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Litany's Pov

I walk pass Tiana and drop the tape on her table before taking a seat.

"What is that?" She asks.

"That's the tape my father had of you fucking my brother, but I took care of that for you."

"Litany I was going to tell you, bu-"

"Save your buts." I interrupt her. "I don't care about them and I don't need them. I only came because what Lucious did was wrong and what you did was wrong. I'm just trying to stop the wrongs." I shrug.

"I never stopped loving you Litany." She says.

"Love just isn't enough anymore, Tiana." I sigh.

"It can be." She says.

I stand up and shake my head. Why did I come here? This was clearly a mistake.

As I'm headed out the door Tiana grabs me and presses her lips to mine. I moan into the kiss and she shuts the door behind me.

"I can't let you walk out my life again, Litany." She says as she pulls away from the kiss leaving me panting for air.

"Good because I don't want to." I tell her.

She smiles and smashes her lips to mine once more. She pushes me down on the couch and pulls my shirt above my head.

I moan as she sucks on my neck and unhooks my bra. I sneak my hands under her shirt and pull it over her head. Lucky for me she wasn't wearing a bra making it easy for me grope her breast.

The unexpected action causes Tiana to throw her head back and moan out my name. I use the opportunity to flip us over and take control.

"I like control." She pouts.

"Too bad." I say before smashing my lips to hers.

I lay with my head on Tiana's chest under her sheets. We finally managed to make it to the bedroom.

Tiana rubs on my leg and kisses my forehead. "I've really missed you." She sighs.

"I've missed you too." I assure her.

I roll on top of her and capture her lips in a breath taking kiss. She grabs my waist and starts to move her hips with mine.

"Tiana." I moan out as the sensation rises in between my legs.


I roll off of Tiana and pull the blankets over our naked bodies as the door is busted open. Officers rush in with their guns pointed at both me and Tiana.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tiana demands.

"Get out of the bed! You are under arrest for entercourse with a minor." One officer screams.

"She didn't do anything wrong!" I demand.

"Get out of the bed and put on some clothes." A different officer demands.

I sigh and do as they say. I throw on a long t-shirt and watch as Tiana is thrown into handcuffs.

The officers escorts us out the building and I see Lucious standing there with a big smirk plastered on his face. Cookie runs to me and hugs me. I push her away from me and walk off to the car.

I walk into the house and run upstairs to my room as Luscious and Cookie yell after me. I can't believe they had Tiana arrested. What kind of people would do that?

I pull out my suitcase and start throwing my clothes inside it.

"Where are you going?" Cookie demands.

"I'm moving back in with Judy."

"The hell you are Litany Lauryn Lyon!" She shouts.

"I am leaving this house and there is nothing you can do about it!" I scream at her.

Judy's Pov

I plop down on the couch like usual now and watch some t.v. Now that Litany and Rhea are both gone I have the house to myself. Such a lonely feeling that I had never felt before. I have lost both of my daughters.

As I am flipping through the channels I see the news and Litany's name pops up. What the hell?!

I jump off the couch as the door swings open and Litany walks in with her bags. "What's going on?" I wonder.

"Can I stay with you for a while?" Litany cries.

I open my arms out wide and she walks to me. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair. "You are always welcomed back here. This is your home." I assure her.

"They locked Tiana up."

"I seen it sweetie. I am so sorry."

"This is isn't fair."

"I know. I know. It's okay mama's here."


Litany falls asleep on my lap on the couch. My poor baby was hurting once again due to the pain that those awful Lyons have inflicted on her. I should have taken her away when the girls were young. I could have had them to myself forever.

Knock. Knock.

I carefully scoot Litany over and answer the door. Candance stands there with a smile plastered on her face. "Hello Judith."


"How is our daughter?" She smiles.

"Thanks to your sister she isn't talking to me."

"Well are you gonna invite me in?" She wonders.

"Litany is asleep on the couch, so I think it's best if you leave."

"C'mon don't be so mean. Let me in like old times." She whines.

"I'm serious Candace you need to leave." I say a little more sternly.

She rolls her eyes and forces herself on me pushing me up against the door. Her tongue slips inside my mouth causing me to moan into the kiss.

I push her away and pant for air. "You need to leave." I demand.

"I'll be back later okay sweetheart. Then maybe we can catch up like old times." She smiles then walks off to her car.

I quickly go inside the house and shuts the door behind me. Holy shit! That did not just happen.

Hey guys!!!😄

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I decided to add more of a story line for Judy. I'm not quite sure where it will go, but I plan to continue it.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long to write, but I hope it was worth it.

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