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Cookie and I argued the entire way home. "You are a little girl." She says.

"I am damn near grown. I can make my own decisions." I tell her.

"Well you aren't making very good ones now are you?" She asks.

"You didn't raise me Cookie! Don't try to parent me now because I don't need you!" I scream as I head up the stairs.

"You get back down here right now!" She screams. I ignore her and keep walking until something inside me cramps up. I clutch my chest and pause to catch my breath.

"You don't disrespect me like that little girl! I wanted to raise you!" Cookie screams.

Something was wrong and I could feel it. "Coo-"

"Don't interrupt me!" She snaps. "I am your mother and I am trying to do what Lucious didn't allow me to all these years and that is raise you. You are my only daughter!"

I try to take another step up the stairs, but instead everything starts to get blurry. My hand slips off the railing and I go tumbling backwards down the stairs.

"Litany!" Cookie screams. "Stay with me. Everything's going to be fine." She says.My eyes close and everything goes black.

Cookie's Pov

I hold Litany in my arms and wait for the ambulance to arrive when Lucious gets home. He runs over to me and asks what happened.

"I don't know. She collapsed. The ambulance is on their way." I cry.

"She'll be fine." He assures me.

At the hospital I wait in the waiting room for Litany's doctor to come out with some news. "What happened?" Jamal demands as he and his brothers show up.

"She collapsed at the top of the stairs and fell down." Lucious explains.

"This is all my fault." I sigh.

"Ma, don't say that." Says Hakeem.

"It's true, though. If I hadn't if been arguing with her she wouldn't have wasted all of her energy with me." I explain.

"Cookie this is nobody's fault, but Tiana's. She used all of Litany's engery. She was keeping her hidden when we went over there looking for her. We need to have her arrested." Lucious says.

"This is nobody's fault. Litany is just sick." Jamal says.

"Litany Lyon." Calls the Dr.Tre.

"Is she alright? Can we see her?" I ask.

"Litany's kidneys are failing. She will need a kidney transplant." Dr.Tre explains.

"She is on heavy medication right now and she really needs her rest. You guys can see her tomorrow." He says as he heads back to her room.

I turn to Dre. "You have to give her a kidney." I tell him.

"I'll do what I can, mom." He says.

"No." Rhonda demands. "You can't keep killing yourself to save this girl that you don't even know. What if something goes wrong?"

"She is my daughter. That means she is his sister." I demand.

"You are hurting one child just to keep your other child healthy." Rhonda claims.

"So what if I am?!" I shout. "Dre is not the one dying right now. My teenaged daughter is dying and I will do whatever it takes for my child."

"And so will I." Rhonda says.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I demand.

"I am pregnant and I don't want my child growing up without it's father." She claims.

"And all I'm asking is to see my child grow up."

Tiana's Pov

I sit down for my hair and makeup, but all I can think about is Litany. She hasn't been answering my calls or anything. I miss her and I just need to make sure she is alright.

"C'mon let's shoot this video!" Hakeem demands as he walks onto the set.

"Keem!" I call after him.

"Don't talk to me Tiana." He demands.

"Just answer one question for me, okay?" I beg.


"Where is Litany?" I wonder.

"The hospital." He says blankly.

"What? What happened to her?" I demand.

"Her kidneys are failing okay. She is dying and Rhonda refuses to let Dre do the transplant. Now can we please get back to work." He demands harshly.

I couldn't control myself any longer. I slap him across the face and start sobbing. "You are such a bastard, Hakeem." I demand as I head for the exit. He grabs my arm and pulls me into him. I cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes. "I'm just don't know what to do."

"I really do love her, Keem." I tell him.

After shooting the video for my new song I tell my driver to head over to Rhonda's and Dre's house.

I knock on the door and wait for somebody to answer. Rhonda opens the door and rolls her eyes. "I know why you're here and my answer isn't going to change." She says.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"Sure." She huffs.

I walk inside and sit down on the couch. "Litany is seventeen years old, Rhonda." I say.

"I know that." She sighs. "I don't want Dre in anymore surgery."

"He is her big brother. He has the chance to save a life."

"I have a child on the way. He needs to be here for that."

"Wouldn't you rather have him die saving the life of his only sister or Litany die and Dre living remembering what he could have done? Which one do you think your child will be more proud of?" I ask her.

"Don't do that." She says.

"Do what?" I ask. "Tell the truth."

"I think it's best if you leave now and never come back." She demands.

"I hope you make the right choice for all the children involved and not just yours." I say as I walk out of the house.

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