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Rhea's POV

I sigh as I walk into Litany's room and see her still laying down in her bed. She's been like this ever since Luscious forced her to move back into the house. All he had to do was threaten to call the cops on Judy and then Litany was right back home.

"Cookie made breakfast." I say trying to cheer her up.

"I don't care."

"Why are you so upset?" I ask her with a hint of attitude. "I mean your parents want you living with them. You should be happy."

"Your mom wants you living with her too." She says.

"Fuck you Lit!"

"Get the fuck out of my room then!" She yells at me.

I was going to say something else until Cookie walks in. "What's going on in here?" She demands.

"Ask your daughter." I say.

"It's none of your business." Litany says as she rolls her eyes.

"I know you're mad, but don't get slapped little girl. I am still your mother and you will respect me." Cookie says sternly. "Now what's going on? And I won't ask again."

"She's in here moping around and I tried to cheer her up." I explain.

"Why you being mean to her, Litany Lauryn?" Cookie asks.

"I'm just not in the mood for her bullshit." Litany claims.

"Curse one more time and I will take off my belt and whoop your ass." Cookie says. "Y'all got no business fighting. Y'all may be cousins, but y'all are also sisters. You grew up together and nobody knows y'all better than each other. Now work the shit out." Cookie demands before storming out of the room.

"I just wanted you to stop moping around." I tell Lit.

"I'm sorry." She sighs. "I just really miss Tiana and I know that I'm not going to be able to see her until after my birthday."

"Your birthday is in a few days. You'll be fine." I assure her.

"You're right. Let's go eat." She says happily as she gets up and heads downstairs. This girl may be bipolar. One minute she's sad and the next she's happy.

When we walk into the kitchen Cookie and Luscious are sitting down eating and holding hands. They haven't said anything yet, but I know they're together. It's too obvious.

"We have some news." Cookie smiles.

"What?" Litany asks rudely.

"We wanna give you an early birthday present." Luscious says.

"What is it?" Litany wonders.

"We missed seventeen of your birthdays and although we can never make up for that, we want to give you the best birthday possible." Cookie explains. "So we are going on a family trip."

"When do we leave?" Litany asks excitedly.

"Tonight. Go pack. You'll leave before everyone else, but the entire family is coming." Cookie smiles.

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