Chapter 8: Fear

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Jareth Everild's POV

I handed Roselea the plate and cup back from the tea and pie she had served us.

"Thank you Roselea, that pie was wonderful." I praised as she took the objects from me.

"You are most welcome." She said with a smile and turned to take the dishes from Sarah.I turned to look at the other me who was still shuffling the apple pie around his plate.

"Come on father." Roselea sighed softly at him. "I promise they are not poisoned with Faeavane."

My head shot up. "Faeavane?" I asked, and they all, including my Sarah looked at me confused.

"You have Faeavane in this world?"

"Yes, don't you?" Roselea asked me, still rather confused.

"No... at least... not anymore. It is an extinct plant species where I come form. Has been for almost eight hundred years. aside from one last plant I destroyed a few months ago." I said, trying to keep the slight panic out of my voice. None of the others paid it much attention, but Sarah new me well. She placed her hand on my forearm.

"Jareth? Are you alright?"I looked up at her and saw the worry in her face.

"I'm fine. I just," I swallowed hard, my fear going down with it. "I just don't like the idea much of Faeavane still existing in this world."

"Jareth. Have you..." She trailed off, but her question was obvious. I nodded and stood.

"When?" She fell short again.I looked down and over my shoulder slightly to look at her. I couldn't tell her.She stood and walked over to me, standing in front of me.

"When Jareth." I looked up and met her gaze, determined as ever. I sighed and looked down. I looked back up again, I was going to have to tell her.

"13 Weeks."She looked at me stunned. She knew when I was talking about, but asked anyway.

"Which 13 weeks Jareth?" Her voice strong, yet underlined with tears. I sighed again.

"The first 13 weeks of the war, when I was overthrown, captured and tortured by my triplet brother."

The tears started to fall from her face.

"The 13 weeks I was in the above ground, helping to settle my family back in. The 13 weeks when you were captured by..." She fell back in fear when she remembered the man.

"Vailan."She looked up in fear and I knew it wasn't me she was seeing.I looked over to our confused company.

"Please excuse me." I did not give them time to answer as I left the room.I wandered out of the castle and into the Labyrinth, taking all the different turns. I didn't care if I got lost, I needed to think.

Roselea's POV

I stood in awe and confusion at what had just happened. One moment Jareth was worried about Faeavane, the next Sarah was freaking out. At first she was upset about some 13 week period, but her face turned to pure fear when she said that name... Vailan?

And then Jareth Everild just walked out of the room?

He looked sad though.

My father tried to walk over to Sarah and calm her down, but when she saw him she began to freak out again.

"Father, would you please excuse us?" He looked over at me shocked for a moment, but then understood.

"I'll go try find Jareth."Never thought I'd here him say that. After my father left the room the older Sarah calmed down a little.

"Sarah? Explain."A few hours later my father returned and knocked on the throne room door, waiting outside as not to scare the older Sarah.

"How is she?" He asked when I closed the door behind me.

"She has calmed down, but I don't blame her for freaking out. Now I know why Jareth Everild did not want to tell her about his run in with Faeavane."

"She didn't go into much detail, but I don't think that was entirely for our sakes..."I explained everything Sarah had just told me about why she freaked out when she said Vailan's name, and my father's face was as pale as a white sheet.

"Oh..." Was all he was capable of saying.I figured I had better change the subject.

"Did you have any look finding Jareth Everild?"My father shook his head. We were startled by a voice at the door.

"I know where he would have gone." Sarah Everild said, suddenly stood in the door way.She looked towards my father and smiled lightly.

"I am sorry if I scared you."My father shook his head.

"No, I am sorry that I scared you."She smiled and walked out of the throne room.

"I suppose we had better follow her."My father and the younger Sarah nodded as we followed Sarah Everild down the hallways and out of the castle, into the labyrinth. We took many turns in the Labyrinth, but Sarah Everild never faulted. She always knew exactly where she was going. We stopped as we came to a hang over that I didn't even know existed, and from the look on my father's face, neither did he. We could see every part of the Labyrinth from here.Standing on the edge of that cliff was Jareth, looking out over the Labyrinth.The older Sarah walked ahead of us and up behind Jareth, placing a hand on his arm.He turned to look at her and she nodded slightly, answering an unspoken question I feel I would never understand.He wrapped Sarah into a hug tightly and rest his head atop hers.We were a distance away, but I could still hear Sarah whisper.

"I'm sorry."He pulled her away and I half felt like I was invading a privet moment.

"Don't be. Just promise me something?" She smiled and tilted her head slightly.

"Next time I kiss you, don't mistake me for him and bite my tongue off like you did his." He laughed out the last few words and she joined him. She bit his tongue off? I will have to high five her for that later.

Jareth braked from the laughing just long enough to smile at Sarah warmly.

"I am still very proud of you for that by the way."They laughed again and he wrapped his arm around her and began to walk back over to us. Yep, definitely feel like I walked in on a privet moment.

"We apologise for that. We made our problems yours and that was unfair of us."My father shook his head and replied before I could.

"Do not worry. It just gives us an open pass to do the same."We all laughed and walked back to the castle, beyond The Goblin City.

Hi Guys,

Bit of a weird chapter, but you know what I'm like when start writing.

Please do comment, me and KatarinaTheSaiyan do need something to talk about... That is, aside form our weird obsession with tea.

Even ask her, in the space of an hour, I had drank 5 cups of tea and was boiling my sixth.

And, to make this even more fun.

How do you guys take your tea?

Thanks For Reading


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