Chapter 9: Getting to Know You

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Jareth Eden's POV

After we got back to the castle, we were all pretty whipped. I was feeling the effects of not sleeping at my usual time. Jareth and Sarah Everlid seemed tired too, so I showed them to a spare room, a room right near Roselea's.

"This spare bedroom is massive!" Sarah Everlid exclaimed, which then the other Jareth smiled. "Yeah, not a typical spare bedroom, it's as big as our bedroom at home."

They then thanked me for the spare bedroom and I checked on Roselea before going to bed. Which a knock came to my bedroom door. "Jareth?! Have you forgotten about me?!" a screaming Sarah said on the other side of my door. I found it quite hilarious that Sarah was basically trying to pound my door down. "Of course I didn't, Sarah! Hang on a moment!" I said while laying on my bed. I didn't really want to deal with a screaming Sarah right now, but I had to take care of her or she will never leave me alone.

I opened the door to a foot tapping Sarah, the cutest expression on her face. She looks really cute when she is mad, just adorable. "Well, there is one more spare, okay? I will show you..." and we went down the hall. I was rubbing my eyes and yawning every few minutes. Sarah was following me like a lost puppy. I then showed her the bedroom and she smirked back at me and shut the door in my face. "You are welcome,Sarah!!" I yelled and she didn't yell anything back. I had a smirk on my face, a pretty big one... Sarah... what a hard girl to get. I was then in my bedroom and hit the bed and was out cold.

Rosela's POV

I couldn't really sleep... what a experience! Meeting another version of my father and Sarah! It was so different. I then slowly opened my door, crept down the hall and found Jareth Everlid in the throne room, staring at the moon. "Can't sleep?" I asked with scared him half to death."Roselea? Why are you up so late?" He said looking at me like I was some imaginary person.

"Honestly,I can't sleep either... Want to have a talk, get to know each other more? I would love to get to know you." I said and Jareth smiled. "Yeah,I'd like that." I then made a crystal, both of us inside the crystal that turned into a bubble. Once it touched the ground, we were in the garden, my place in the Labyrinth.

"So this is the garden that you talked about earlier... Is there Faeavane here?!"Then he started freaking right out, which then I held on to his shoulders and I used my calming magic. He then calmed right down and looked at me. "That's amazing how you did that, Roselea." He said calmly and then I showed him to a chair by one of my favorite apple trees. "Making creatures feel better is what I love to do. I learned how to use a calming spell, and its been the best spell I have learned... other than the banishment spell." I said then Jareth's eyes got wide. "A banishment spell?! Only so many Fae know of it. How did you learn it?" I then smiled. "A magic library..."and then he smiled.

"Would you like to go on a fly? I love flying at night, especially when the fireflies are out at night." And he smiled again. " I'd love to, Roselea."and I transformed into my owl form. He did too, it looked exactly like my father's owl form except some of the markings were off. Then we flew through the Labyrinth, I felt so wonderful. It was like my flights I had with my Father. We then arrived back into the throne room. We transformed back and we were both in smiles. "So that's what it is like to have a flight with a younger Fae. You are one incredible girl." He said which then he smiled sadly. I came over and sat right beside him. "If you ever have a little one of your own, you would be the greatest father in the world." I said and he smiled. " Your father is lucky to have a girl like you. From what I have learned tonight, you are one incredible Fae. Anyone would be lucky to have you, especially your father."

"And at what I learned from you tonight, you are quite a lucky guy, and a great person. If you are anything like my father, if you have a little Fae of your own, you will be a wonderful father." I said, then out of nowhere it seemed, he gave me a hug. It was warm and gentle, but it had a difference to it but I just couldn't really describe it."Thanks for a lovely night, Roselea. Now that you tired me out, I better get back to my wife, she must be worried sick." Then I kinda felt bad... "I am so sorry about the fact I had you out so late...I truly am." and then he smiled again. "It's alright, I wanted to do something, I couldn't sleep and you helped me clear my head. Thank you. And don't be sorry, it's okay. I needed a nice flight, maybe before we go home, we can have another flight."

"Yeah, anytime Everlid!" I said with a smirk similar to my father's, and he gave me a little smirk back. "I will win next time, Eden!"

Then I retired to bed, falling into a wonderful slumber.

Jareth Everlid'sPOV

I then went into the bedroom, I was really tired after that flight. Roselea was really fast, so fast, but I will catch her next time. I then crawled into bed and tried to feel for Sarah, but no sign of my wife anywhere."Sarah? Where are you, Darling?" I whispered. No answer..."Sarah!" I called again louder. No answer... Then I kept searching the bed and I found a note, I couldn't read it because of the dark room so I stumbled out of bed. I couldn't possibly wake Jareth. But Roselea was awake, so I will tell her. I then knocked on her door. I heard a weak what from the other side. "Roselea, please let me come in, Sarah has gone missing!"

Roselea's POV

I then woke right up! Sarah?! Missing?!

I opened the door to a tired Jareth Everlid holding a piece of paper. "All that was left was this. I can't find her anywhere. Then I touched the note and I got a nasty paper cut. "Ow!" I squeaked and then handed the paper back to Jareth. "Let's check if Sarah knew where your wife went." So we went down the hall and the door was a little bit opened. I then barged right in and saw a figure in the bed. I ripped off the covers.

Just pillows and a note...

I then grabbed the note and I got another paper cut, I squealed again and handed it to Jareth. I was feeling feint... I felt tired, like I wanted to just sleep. But I didn't let it stop me and I ran to my father's room all groggy with Jareth behind me.

I knocked frantically on the door. "Father! The Sarahs are missing!"

A few moments later he opened the door and then I felt dizzy. "Are you alright?"Jareth asked me and I smiled. "I have had worst, don't you worry."I then blacked out.

Author's Note

Hey Readers!

What an incredible and long chapter! Bonding is happening between worlds! I hope you really enjoyed this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this, even though it was very late when I did... And a lot of tea, and tea talks with Labyrinth. By the way, it is totally true about our tea conversation. I only had 3 cups that day and she beat me with her total of 6 cups. Yes, I am obsessed with tea! If you ask Labyrinth,she can tell you how many times we have been mentioning tea. And how long our longest tea conversation was. Well, got to make more tea,Yum!

Till next update,


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