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Sarah Williams POV

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was darkness. Nothing but darkness.I felt around me. The floor I was on was wet and cold, much like the walls around me, which were slimy and covered in what felt like algae.As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could make out silouhettes. They were faint, but I could see the walls around me now.There was a forum beside me, but I couldn't make out much more than that.I tried to move towards the figure, but found that difficult when I was pulled back by the chains tied around my wrist.I pulled at the chains a couple times, but my efforts proved futile when the chains didn't budge.

"I wouldn't bother. You won't get out that way." The a voice said, seaming coming from the shadows around me."This way." I stated. 

"So I will get out." I was surprised at the confidence in my voice. I was scared. Scared that I had been kidnapped, scared of the darkness, and scared of the voice that seamed to emanate from it.But none of that escaped. At least, not in my voice. My face might have said somthing different. But it was so dark I doubt the voice would be able to make my expression out.The voice around me laughed. But it was a sarcastic laugh. Like he knew somthing I didn't. 

"You seam awfully confident for someone who is currently chained to the floor of my dungeon."

"Maybe that's because I know I'm right." I answered, stronger than before.The voice let out a light hmm. Then seamed to shift, if that was possible."That's what you think."I was about to answer him, but was stopped when a stream of Moonlight poured through holes in the ceiling, and he cut me off.

"Looks like I'm needed. I'd stay out of the shadows if I was you."I called after the voice, asking what it meant by 'stay out of the shadows', but it was obvious that whatever was speaking had left the room.I looked to the side of me, hoping the Moonlight had lit up the figure next to me. And it had.Curled up on the floor to my left. Chained like me, was..."Sarah Everild?"

Roselea's POV

After Jareth beside me had a realization that the map was gone."Well, there is another note." and I started to reach for it but Jareth took it away. "I don't want you to hurt yourself again,Roselea. All we need now is you to get sick again." Jareth said, he then tasted the paper, which looked like he had totally gone nuts."Alright,its safe." and he handed me the page. It had another dreaded riddle on the page.

When the ground cries and the temptation is strong.

The fields of Asphodel one feels they belong,

A child of darkness to end his days,

Kingdoms of the Underground to preserve or raze.

I looked at the paper a moment. I was puzzled, what did this mean?Then I felt two gloved hands on me, one on each shoulder. "Are you okay, Roselea?" My father asked me, he seemed a little worried when I didn't seem to answer right away. "Roselea, answer me, are you alright?" He said more power came out of the words this time. "I am fine, I am just lost in thought at the moment. If you please excuse me." and I left the throne room and headed into my room.

Jareth Eden's POV

I didn't know what to think after Roselea abruptly left. She has been lost in thought before, but she seemed so different this time. "I am concerned, she never acts like this. She never just leaves like that." I said to the other Jareth which he seemed to understand to some extent. "Jareth, I have only known your daughter for a day or so. She seems to know what she is doing, lets just give her sometime." Jareth Everlid said and I didn't know if I should agree or not. I then sat on my throne, trying to keep calm. It seemed like I was worrying about Roselea so much, bad thoughts racing through my head. I seemed to worry Jareth too and he got up and walked down the hall, all he said was that he would return.

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