Chapter 15: All About The Blame

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Jareth Eden's POV

Roselea was as shocked as all of us. She then turned around to the window, turned into an owl and flew out.

"Roselea!" I yelled and she just disappeared off in the distance.

"We need to find her, she can be anywhere in the Labyrinth. I think I know where she might have went. Jareth, why don't you check everywhere else by air. I will find her my way." and Jareth nodded, turned into an owl and flew out.

I used my powers to transport me to one of the places in the Labyrinth that I would expect Roselea to be. I walked to the metal gate,unhooked it, and went into a place with many flowers and plants, the Labyrinth's Garden.

I heard soft weeps in the distance, something I have not heard in a very long time. I checked every corner, no Fae to be seen. Then I followed the sound of the very quiet weeps. These cries were delicate and pure, these cries I knew very well. "Roselea, come here, I."and I was cut off.

"Please go away, Father, you would never need me anyway." Roselea said

"Roselea, I will always need you my dear. Please come."

"No, I am just full of mistakes. There is nothing that will make me come back. I will just be a bother to anyone I meet."

"What makes you think you need to be perfect? I love you the way you are."

"I may not be perfect, and I am fine with that, but I am causing too much pain." Roselea said, crying harder it seemed since her voice was cracking.

"You haven't caused any trouble."

"Tell that to Jareth. I am the reason his wife is in another place somewhere, possibly suffering..." Then Jareth walked in, back to his normal form.

Roselea stopped and there was no longer sound from her at all.

"What is going on? Is Roselea up in that tree?" Jareth asked and I nodded. "I am afraid so. She thinks she has caused all this."

"She hasn't caused a thing, she should not be blaming herself."

"Jareth, I have caused everything! Can't you see!?" Roselea came out of tree and stood by the trunk.

"All I cause is pain! Father almost died because I existed, the Sarahs are now somewhere, and I have been just putting you through all this pain! I am just a mistake." She said, breaking down, she held her head in her hands and slid down on the trunk and curled into a ball.

I went and set next to my daughter, she was crying so hard. I rubbed her back gently, she was not soothing at all. I then wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She was then crying into my chest, my shirt was now soaking with tears.

The other Jareth came and sat down on the other side of her. I tried to calm Roselea, but nothing worked, nothing at all. I started to hum a little tune I hummed when she was very little. Then I started singing quietly.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are gray,

You'll never know dear. How much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away...

She stopped the heavy crying, but still was weeping.

"Roselea? Jareth? May I speak?" Jareth Everlid asked, we both nodded.

Roselea got off my chest and wiped her eyes, her cheeks stained with tears.

"What is the problem? Please tell me, I want to see what I can do."Jareth said, he smiled sadly and Roselea didn't say a word.

Then she took a deep breath and let out a wavering sigh.

"I just feel responsible for all of this. If we didn't go on that midnight fly, we wouldn't be in this mess. Then I wanted you to sleep, then the map got stolen." She started crying again, I was about to intervene but Jareth took her hand. Jareth will try to make things right.

Jareth Everlid's POV

I took Roselea's hand, I held her small hand in mine. I looked into her silver eyes, her eyes were red from crying so much. "Listen to me, Roselea. You should not blame yourself. You are not the one to blame, I am grateful for your help. I know I have only met for a day or so, but you seem to make me feel different. You have such positiveness and kindness, you are very special." I said and she still had a sad expression on her face.

"You are incredible! Jareth has such a blessing for a daughter, if I was your father, I would be so proud of you for all your qualities.Don't let this bother you, you are not to blame." I said and Jareth was behind her, he smiled.

We all stood up. " Now, will you continue to be strong for us, for the Sarahs, and yourself?" Jareth asked, his hands on her shoulders. She looked at both of us, turning her head back and forth.She then nodded and gave Jareth and I a hug, a big group hug.

Then once we were done with that, she hugged us individually. She hugged her father first, then came to me. "Jareth, I will do my best to help you." I then cut her off by giving her a hug. I felt the warmth of the hug, is this what it felt like to have a child?

"Alright, now, let's go find a map and plan!" Roselea exclaimed as we exited the garden, a Roselea back to her positive self once again.

Hello Readers!

This was quite a chapter to write. Showing emotional tension gives the added sense of character.

When I created this character, she was like Jareth, like almost an exact copy but was a female. After pen came to paper, I realized that Roselea could be such a diverse character and seem less like Jareth and more of her flare. As ideas came and went, I finally had a finalized Roselea, the positive, childish yet mature, kind, Fae that became my wonderful original character. What I love about having original characters is the fact I can walk into the worlds themselves and make characters react to certain things.

I want to pose a question: Do anyone of you out there that enjoy this book, like Roselea?

I just want feedback, I want to know, that's all,

Thank you all! Comments are most appreciated.


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