Chpt. 3 First day

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Sam's POV

We walked into a room that was pretty close to the entrance and lockers. Taurtis flicked the lights on, and motioned me to sit on the counter. I did as told, and he got some supplies from the cabinets. " I-I....ummm..." He managed to mutter. "Oh, yeah...sure," I replied, and lowered my ears closer to him; realizing that he wanted to help heal my injuries. He put some alcohol on a rag, and gently started to dab the blood from my ears. I winced at the burn the alcohol gave, and tears filled my eyes. "Sorry! I did not mean to hurt you! Should I stop?" He pleated, sounding worried. I took a deep breath in, and blinked away the wet tears. "I'm fine, really. I'm just a pansy," I claimed. Man, looking back on what happened earlier; I am just a pansy. Taurtis nodded, and began wiping the rest of the blood away; still being caution for me. He then put the rag down, and grabbed the bandages; rapping them against my fuzzy ears. I felt a lot better; it seemed as if he really cared about me, even if I had only just met him. Shoving the supplies in the cabinets again, he said, "Soooooo, are considered friends....or am I just an idiot?" I snickered, "Of course we are! If not, I would be rabbit stew by now; being slurped up by Dom himself!" He chuckled a bit before asking, "Together friends, until the end?" I gave him a reassuring smile, "Together friends, until the end."

Taurtis' POV

I just got out of the nurses office with my new friend, Sam! We started joking around about anime, and other junk like that; I never felt this happy in such a long time. The last time I had this much fun was when I still lived with my family, I-I.....'Sigh' I miss them. From the good night kisses to trying to get me out of bed in the morning. Good old times......but now they're gone. I don't think that they're coming back to me anytime soon. 'Sigh' At least I have someone moving in with me, they probably won't be as funny as Sam though.

*Time skip to almost the beginning of class*

Sam's POV

Me and Taurtis walk into class, still goofin' and gaffin' as we step though the door. I choose a sit at the back of the class, next to a window. I hope that staring out the window will distract me from the boring things that I already know. Taurtis decides to sit next to me, starting to take out pencils. I just gaze out the window to the dark town below; still relatively early. "Hey, can I tell you something?" I turn around to see a girl with blonde hair, and dark, brown eyes; smirking deviously at me. She had soft, peach skin, and she would have been attractive looking; if she didn't have a black beard. I said nothing as she interrupted my thoughts. "I just wanted to tell a cute rabbit that there is a free seat next to me at lunch~" she smothered; winking at me as she walk away. Before I could ask Taurtis who that was, Dom stormed up to me; looking quite angry. "Dork face, lay off my girl! She's not up for grabs! She belong to me-" He was interrupted by the girl shouting from across the room, "I not your's anymore, Dom! Remember, we broke up! I can flirt with anyone I want!" I just stared in confusion of this whole situation. "See you at your grave, bunny boy," he whispered into my injured ears; walking back to his desk. I had a confused look at him, soon looking at Taurtis with the same look; he watched the whole thing. "Care telling me what the heck is going on?" I impatiently asked Taurtis. "First of all, that girl is Invader. She and Dom used to date last year, but they broke up right before the end of the year. But that was the first year of high school, I would expect Dom to be over her....I guess not." I nodded in agreement as he carried on, "She also seems to being to flirting with you, and Dom obviously knows that; making him jealous." I responded with, "You think I can't see that? Sorry, I am being rude; continue." He breathed in, and answered, "She might also flirt with you bold, and loud when Dom is here to make him jealous; probably for him bossing her around  back when they were a thing. But to be completely honest, I don't understand why he is working so hard to get back with a girl that has a beard; there are so many other hot chicks in this school anyways. Right?" I look at him, blushing bright red; it really appears well on my very pale face. "Right, forgot you just started school today! How could you check out the girls when you have to get adjusted to school life here?" Taurtis chuckled. Out of the blue, a grime looking teacher walks to the front of the room. He starting to shush the room 'till there was complete silence. "Hello class. My name is professor Gareth.....and I will be your new teacher for this year. I know that last year, you had Mrs. Joey, but she can't make it this year for.....reasons." our teacher said with a monotone attitude. The whole class sighed with sadness, "Awwwww" except for Taurtis; he didn't say anything, just sadly looking down at his desk. " class, we will be learning many 'fun' things. Like how my wife left me, and my annual depression; doesn't that sound 'super' class? Any questions on what I just said?" Gareth explained, still monotone as ever. Taurtis raised his hand, "Yes?" Gareth asked. "Does that mean that your wife is single?" "TAURTIS!!!!!!" I shouted at him. "What, I am just curious!" Taurtis replied. "Yes," Gareth spoke; soon glaring at Taurtis. He raised his hand again, Gareth sighed, and called on him. "What was her name?" Gareth glared at Taurtis once more before answering, "Blue." (Quick a/n I forgot and or don't know the name of his wife. If you know, comment it. For now, I will use "Blue") Taurtis then just suddenly spat out, "That's a beautiful name, could you ask her to give me her number?" Gareth looked like he was about to snap, or maybe he has already.....I don't know. "Do you want detention, young man?!?" Gareth scolded. Before anything else could happen, the bell rang for lunch. Saved by the bell. Me and Taurtis walked downstairs to the cafeteria. On our way, I ask Taurtis, "Were you serious about earlier in class?" Taurtis looked at me with a grin, saying, "I never spoke truer words in my entire life." "Shut up, you lier!" I laughed. We saw a kid with blue glasses sitting alone at a table, so we sat there to be friendly. "Hello! My name is Sam, and this goof ball is Taurtis! What is your name?" I eagerly asked the student. "My name is J." he replied with a kind voice. We then started talking as J and Taurtis got their lunches out; mine was still stolen by Dom. Taurtis glanced at me quickly before saying, "Do you want to share my Tauritos, and Mountain Dew with me?" I responded with, "Sure, thanks! But, what are Tauritos?"  Taurtis gasped, before question me with, "How does someone not know what Tauritos are? But I forgive you because you are new to this town. Here try some." He handed me a Doritos bag with a "T" sticker stuck on it. I shrugged it off before taking a chip. "These are good." Taurtis had a surprised face as I crunched happily on the chip. "Wait, you are not questioning them at all?" I shook my head no. "You're the first person who actually understands Tauritos!!!" Taurtis shouted over joyed.

Taurtis' POV

I can't believe that Sam did not do what everyone else did! He didn't say that they were "just a bag of Doritos with a 'T' sticker stuck on it," or "Copy-cats of Doritos!" I can tell that he is special in a way that makes us two connected. The bell rang after me, and Sam finished sharing a Tauritos bag, and a bottle of Mountain Dew. I'm glad he did not mind sipping from the same bottle as me; I didn't have any other cups. Me and Sam headed to the next room for gym, this time it was the same teacher from last year. Gym teacher Rowan. Unlike the formal clothes Gareth wore, Rowan wore a gray tank-top with baggy, camouflaged sweat pants. On top his head, a black hat layed, and thick sunglasses across his face. "ALRIGHT MAGGOTS!!!!!! STRETCH FOR 5 MINUTES AS A PRE-WARM UP!!!!!" Rowan yelled, loudly like last year. What was worrying me was that, Rowan was eyeing down Sam, and Sam noticed. He looked quite terrified. "Don't worry about Rowan, he is always like this to new people. And always yelling his head off everyday."  I say reassuring to Sam. He looks back to me, giving a small smile towards me. "NOW GET CHANGED, MAGGOTS!!!!! TODAY, WE 'LL BE RUNNING AROUND THE FIELD!!!!!" Rowan announced. I saw Sam's face light up with joy; I was pretty excited as well. "You excited that we are running? You seemed excited. Last year, I was the third fastest male runner in the school. I was after Rowan and Dom." I explained to Sam. He seemed so pumped, I can't wait to see his excitement burst out on the field. We all got changed, and headed for the field. We all lined up, and gone off. I was third, behind Dom and.....Sam?!? How was he so fast? He was even a few laps ahead of Dom. Once he was at least 20 laps ahead of everyone else, he wanted to slowed down to talk to me. "How 'pant' a-are yo-'pant' you so 'gasp' fast?!?!"  I managed to pant out, almost breathless from trying to catch up with Sam earlier. "Well, I am a hybrid of a bunny-rabbit. That is why I have ears sticking out from my head. And also why I am super fast with a lot of endurance, and energy." Sam responded, not once gasping for air. "Sam, can I tell you a secret; you can't tell anyone." He nodded his head as everyone took a water break. "My father is a tortoise, and my mom is a human; I just took many factors from my mom though. Look, knock on my back." He did as told, and was shocked to hear a knocking sound of a shell on my back; but there was no shell to be seen. "I have a built in shell down my spine. You probably already have guessed it, but that is why my name is Taurtis." Sam's face was just in shock, and he finally said, "But then how do you run fast?" I looked at him with an "I don't know" expression while shrugging; he seemed to understand as we were called to go run again. I saw him again, run more and more laps than every one else; then again slowing down to talk to me. He then grabbed my wrist, and I blushed a little for some reason; he couldn't really see it though, because of my tan skin. He glanced at me, then towards the field; zooming off with me, being dragged by my wrist still gripped to his hand. I got balance a little bit before the bell rang, saying school was over. We stopped, and stared into each other's eyes. "This was a great day, thanks again Taurtis for helping me get adjusted for school life here!" Sam exclaimed happily. I just gave him a quick smile as we parted directions. I have to go meet my new roommate at the back of the school. All I know is that today was a great first day of school.

2023 words, now that is way longer! Good job me! If you have guessed, the title of each chapter will make since at the end, and be in the ending sentence. Well, that was Chapter 3, first day. Remember to read, comment, and vote for more!!!


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