Chpt. 9 Déjà vu

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Sam's POV

'YAWN...' My sleepy eyes blink slowly but rapidly. I groan because of how tired I still am. Stretching my arms and back, I glance to see a little sleeping Taurtis snuggled into my chest. He's so cute when he sleeps, I can't help but think that! Wait...what will Taurtis say when he sees us like this?!?!? Crap, he's waking up!!!

Taurtis' POV

No! No! NO! NO! Why? Please, no!!! I am having the same dream about Salex dying. Then I felt something. Something warm. Something protecting. Something with a feeling of security embraced within itself. That something felt good. It scared away the horrid dreams. That feeling of security made me smile. I don't know what this something was but I don't care. All I know is that it's keeping me safe. Safe from the nightmares. Safe from the worries. Just me, and the something. I couldn't ask for anything else.....well, actually...that's a lie. I want Sam. I want Sam to feel the things I feel with the something. I want Sam to feel secure too. If only he was where I'm now. 'YAWN...' What the heck was that? Was that Sam? I started waking up a little after hearing that yawn. I open my eyes to see a blushing Sam with me rapped around him; face buried into his chest. Then it hit me, Sam's the something! He looked really embarrassed, and full of awkwardness. I'll just play it cool. "Well, good morning!" I pleasantly stated with my voice a little groggy from sleep. "Um...I guess good morning to you too..." Sam looked really confused yet relieved. There was an awkward moment of silence for a period of time; we just stared into each other's eyes. "Well, let's get ready for school." I decided; breaking the silence. Sam's face cutely light up with a smile. No, I have Salex, and only Salex. No more thinking this nonsense! For now on it's Salex, and only Salex. (Now I feel bad for writing what I'm about to write)

*Time skip to when they were about to head out the door to school*

"You should of seen your face! It was hilarious!" I exclaimed. "Whatever, you were the one clinging on to me like as if you were Tarzan on a vine!" Sam retorted. Ooooo, he has me there. "At least I don't sleep with a teddy bear!" This made him stop, shocked at what I just stated. He made fists, and tears started forming. "H-He's not j-just a t-teddy b-bear! He's the only part of Grian I have left!" he sobbed. I've never seen Sam so concerned over a simple joke. He leaned back on a wall, and fell down; sticking his face in between his knees. "Sam.....I didn't mean to-""You wouldn't know how it feels!" Sam interrupted, lifting his head up from his knees; though looking distressed towards the floorboards. "To feel unloved. To feel lonely. To feel terrible. To feel scared. To feel depressed. To have only yourself to fend off the darkness. I felt that way for a long time.....until I met Grian. He cared, and loved me when no one else would! He protected me even though he could barely fend off things himself! He was always there when I needed him; even if nobody else would be there for him. He would have risked his life for me. He was the reason I chose to wake up everyday, now...he's gone, and.....h-he's never c-coming back!" I was frozen still with shock, I didn't know this about Sam. Wait, but what did this Grian person have to do with his teddy bear? "Sam, don't cry! What makes you believe he won't come back? He obviously cares deeply about you!" Sam looked up from the ground; staring with pleating eyes up to me. "You still don't understand-""No, I don't. I don't understand why do think this nonsense!" I interrupted him. "Taurtis! He's dead!!! I'm never going to see him again! And, all I have left of him is Mr.SnuggleMuffins!" (I never planned to make Grian dead, it just happened while I was writing this bit...but yeah, he's dead) His tears were now flowing like waterfalls. I crouch down next to him, hugging him. "Sam, your so wrong. I care about you. I will protect you. I will risk my life for you..." He sniffled a little before replying, "Your really telling the truth?" I squeezed him tighter. "Of course. That is what real friends do..." (All the fans die because they were friend zoned) He wiped away his tears, and got up; hugging me again. "Thank you..." he whispered into my ear. "Come, let's go before I start to tear up." He put on a relaxed smile, and nodded.

*Time skip to when they were almost at school*

Me and Sam met up with J, and we all just joked around while walking towards the school. 'Cough! Cough!' Uh! What is the putrid smell. It smells like.....smoke.....wait. I run ahead of my friends to see in front of the school all the students, and staff hovering over something in a circle. I shove through the crowd to see the most horrible sight, Salex laying on the road with a red pool of blood surrounding her. Next to her, a crashed Doritos truck with flames producing a stripe of smoke flying towards the sky. It's total déjà vu. This happened in my dream. Did I cause this? Did I predict this? All I know is that I'm on my knees next to her still corpse. I pick her up slowly, and stroke her hair. I kiss her cheek, and start crying into her chest; hoping to hear a heart beat. There was not one sound. Not one happy thump. I looked back at her soft lips, they were no longer smiling. They weren't the cheery girl's smile I've known, and love. They were cold, and stiff. The blood was staining her lush hair, and uniform. Her eyes closed; not sparkling like earlier. No part of her was moving an inch.....NOTHING. I felt myself tearing up. "Salex.....Salex.....c-can you hear m-me? Salex, why? W-Why did this h-have to h-happen to me? Why did t-this h-have to happen to y-you?" I cried. Why, just why?!? I want to join her, why can't I? We would both be happier. "Salex...I want to die for you..." I sniffled. Someone came up to me, and put their hand on my shoulder. I turn slowly to see a worried Sam. I just teared up even more seeing him. Okami tells everyone that school is cancelled because of this accident. Many people leave as soon as this was announced but my friends stayed. The people that stayed were Sam, Sookie, Soul, Yuki, Chan, J, PePe, Patty, Majo_Ellen, and Silly. The first to leave were PePe and Patty. They probably left to make me feel better. Then went Sookie, Soul, Chan, and Yuki. And then Silly had to leave because her mom, Okami didn't want her to feel too depressed. There was only Majo_Ellen, J, and Sam. They were real best friends. J had to leave once it started getting dark though because of his parents. I don't know why Majo_Ellen stayed this long, though she did seem interested when I told her about the dream I had once it was only her, and Sam. They were both really surprised. She soon had to leave because of some "work" she had. It was just me, Sam, and.....Salex. I didn't want to leave her. I wanted to stay with her forever. I soon felt sleepy. Wait! I c-can't s-sleep...'Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....'

Sam's POV(Short)

Taurtis looks so messed up. I mean, who wouldn't. His girlfriend just got hit by a truck, and he couldn't save her. Plus, he had a dream-I mean nightmare of this happening too. That's really crazy! He wouldn't leave her corpse either, and it was getting very late too. Finally, he fell asleep. I picked him up bridal style, and he hugged me in his sleep. Poor Taurtis, that déjà vu hit him hard.

1384 words, and I know that is slightly shorter than the regular chapters. I thought I would put most of the details in this chapter in Salex's death, but I ended up liking the Grian dead idea better. This will make the later events of the story easier to tell. Well, what did I tell you! I got this out (for me) on Wednesday! Not even at the deadline I put myself. I feel proud, good job me. Also, have any questions? I will be doing a QnA about stuff soon (like this book). Also check the artist out, link at the top! Well, bye weirdos!

Together friends, until the end-SamxTaurtis bookWhere stories live. Discover now