Chpt. 2 Bloody Ears

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Sam's POV

I stepped out of the train station, and started walking towards my new school. It was pretty easy to spot because of how big it is compared to this tiny town. And I was so lucky to be early. Nobody saw me carrying a suitcase with my stuff in to the school, and then putting it in a free locker to claim as my own. I was also lucky that the luggage was just small enough to fit in my new locker. I then realized that I had a lot of free time before school started. I grabbed my school uniform my mom gave me, and went to bathroom to change. After that, I walked to a near by shop to buy myself a lunch, mostly because that was the one thing my family forgot to pack me. I walked in when I heard a little 'ding' at the entrance. I scrolled through the aisles only grabbing a Mountain Dew, when I saw perfection at it's greatest peak. Carrots. I took them all, there were five. I then paid for them to this crab man hybrid. Though, he was mostly crab. I walked back to school with a bounce in my step; I felt like everything was fine in the world.......but it wasn't.

Someone shouted, "Get jumped, kid!" before shoving me down; face planting into the ground. I sit up to see a boy my age.....I really hope that's not my roommate. He wore a purple hat with a police badge on it. He also had a brown, straight hair and peach skin. I said nothing. I was just confused. Then he teased, "Awww, is bunny boy scared? Did I scare the bunny boy?" He then pulled out my carrots that I bought at the store, and waved in my face; pulling them back when I tried to grab them. I then tried to stand up, but you can probably guess that it didn't go so well. He just push me back down, not caring at all. He then started kicking, punching, and hitting me; with me only wincing a the pain. I tried to kick him back, only failing majorly. "What a loser; can't even fight me back like a man. Well, you are just a little bunny!" he snickered. With in a blink, he kicked chest so that I would be laying flat on the ground; looking towards the worrying sky. Quickly after that, he leaped onto my fragile ears. Crystal clear tears took over my eyes with both stock and pain. He glanced at my tears, and laughed hysterically. He wore construction boots too, adding more pain than just regular shoes. Su blood began spilling, my blood. This was the most I have ever been bullied on any of my first days of school, and I knew this was just the beginning. I slammed my eyes shut to pretend everything was wasn't working. Then I heard a voice call out, "Stop it, Dom!" I continue to shut my eyes, not opening them once as I listened in. "What for? I'm just telling bunny boy over here that dorks like him don't belong in my school." my bully, so called Dom claimed. He acted to cocky as he spilled those word out of his mouth. "You better stop this, or I will get Rowan!" my savior threatened. I opened my eyes; still teary from before. "Fiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeee." Dom moaned; then stepping off my ears. It felt even more painful when he stepped off my ears; as if dragons ripped my ears off burning off my head at the same time. I watched in horror as Dom scampered into the school, my hero just glared at him.

He then turn towards me, and gave me a ear-to-ear smile; seeming so peaceful and kind. He had tan skin, and straight, raven hair. He wore a top his grin, black headphones with a blue and red checkered pattern. He had navy blue shirt with sleeves that were rolled up to his elbows. Also having a white collar, and black skinny jeans; black suspenders holding it up. And finished of with black vans. "My name is Taurtis, what's yours?" he spoke, pulling out his hand to help me up. All I could do was stare. I luckily got out of my thoughts to grab his hand, and pull back up. "I-I'm S-sam." I managed to mutter out. Though, I think he heard me because he then cheered, "Glad to meet you, Sam!" I gave a small smile as a drop of blood dripped from my withered ears to my pale face. "Wait....are those ears real?!" he suddenly busted out. His eyes widened, I thought he was going make fun of my stupid fact of being a hybrid with a rabbit. "WE GOT TO GET YOU TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE, QUICKLY!!!" he shouted as he grabbed me by wrist; practically dragging me as he zoomed off with me into the school. I at first wondered why he was taking me to the nurse. Then I remembered, I had bloody ears, and other injuries.

853 words, okay so that is least a little bit. Anyways, I will continue to write this story every day, or every other day. Even if nobody reads it!!!! *Sigh* I have no life. But that is all for chapter 2, Bloody Ears. Remember if to read, comment, and vote if you want more!!!!!


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