Chpt. 4 New Roommate

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Sam's POV

Me and Taurtis had just parted away. I wish that he was my new roommate, but then he would have mentioned that he was expecting a new roommate. Maybe he just didn't think it was needed to introduce me to school life. Sure, I'll go with that. 'Sigh...' He was just the most polite person I met on any of my first days; I think we may become best friends one day. It seems he likes the same junk as me, and he also likes goofin' and gaffin' with me too. Maybe I am just over thinking this. I go to my locker, and wait there; I don't want anyone to see me with luggage at school. When the school is almost barren, I take my suitcase out, and start walking to the back of the school. That is where I am supposed to meet the person I will be living with for the rest of the year; I see Taurtis there on his Icrab. "What are you doing here Taurtis?" I ask, walking up to him. "Oh right, I didn't tell you. Well, I am supposed be meeting a kid my age to move into my house. Wait, why do you have a suitc-" I cut him off with a hug; I don't know what got into me. It just happened. "Sooooooo, I'm guessing that your my new roommate, right?" Taurtis responded, though he had a reassuring smile. I pull away, and nodded; I can feel myself blushing dark red. Though, I think I see him blush a light pink too. There was an awkward silence. "Uuuhhhh...." Taurtis said, rubbing the back of his neck. "We should probably go get you settled." Taurtis suggested. "Yeah." I stated as we walked away from school.

Taurtis' POV

I still can't believe that Sam was my roommate!!!! But, I did see him carrying his suitcase when Dom beat him. Maybe he came earlier to put his stuff in his locker. Yeah, I think that's it. We were walking to the house, when I saw something drop from his luggage. I picked it up. Sam was just zooming off, even though he didn't tell me where he was going. It was a brown teddy bear, and it had a red ribbon around its neck. The ribbon had printed text too. I read out softly, 'I'll miss you forever, Sam! ~Grian' Wow, this must be something important to Sam; I wonder who Grian is? That's a strange name, but I should really say much; after all, my name is Taurtis. I scan the area for Sam; nothing. I then look closer to see the rabbit-boy following a trail of carrots; instinct I guess. But, why is there a trail of carrots in a town? I look to were the carrots lead; the forest. Sam is gone too. I run to the edge of the forest; still carrying the bear. I glance into the thick trees, I had heard stories about forests from my papa.(Another word for dad. I decided to use it because of the later episodes of YandereHighSchool) He told me about how his family was killed by the creatures in there; Eagles, Hawks, Snakes, Foxes, and more. He also told me that in the forest, the animals are still wild. That means that they don't wear clothes, or speak human languages; unlike my papa when he had me. Though, there are some wild animals that speak human languages to kill hybrids. It gives me shivers just thinking about it......wait. Sam's in there!!!! I suddenly see a suitcase at the corner of my left eye; I run towards it. It's Sam's suitcase. That naive rabbit, he's going to get himself killed out there!!!! I take a deep breath in, then out. I take slow steps into the forest, coming up to a sign. I read, 'Hunting Season is now open' Oh. My. Gord. What has he thrown himself into, doesn't he know that there are scary people that catch hybrids in forests during hunting season to poach?!?! My eyes catch on to a trail of carrots, I carefully follow them to try to find Sam.

*Hours later*

Hours have pasted, and I still can't find him! It's starting to get dark too; I really just hope Sam's okay. I hear a howl of a wolf; it sends cold shivers down my neck, and up my back. I can't seem to see the trail anymore too. Then, I spot a blaze of bright red, orange, and yellow. I sprint towards it. A fire was burning from inside a cave. I start to hear muffled yells, and run in to the cave.

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