Chpt. 10 You'll always have me

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Okay, yeah...I'm really sorry for not posting in more than 2 weeks. School-_-.....I'm sorry. School is a pain in the butt. I can't wait until school is out on June 20th!!!! I will post more this week to make up for it. Also I'm writing like this for now on because my English teacher said this was the right way.

Sam's POV

We got to the house, and I finally built up the strength to carry Taurtis upstairs to our room. It was freaking hard! We finally got to the door of our room, and I swung it open. Looking down at Taurtis, I think it will be better if I slept with him tonight. He definitely needs me. 'Sigh.....' I really hope Taurtis isn't too upset. Though, he really looked depressed. I got into his bed, still carrying him in with me. It was just like that other night. Taurtis' legs were wrapped around me, and his arms clung tight on my waistline. He snuggles into my chest, and I feel him lightly smile. Why can't it be like this all the time? Just me, and Taurtis. Him being within the protection of myself, and me keeping him safe as he sleeps. Him snuggling into me, and sleeping soundly. No school. No problems. No worries. No romance. Just the two of us against the pleasant night. Nothing to feed our emotions. Nothing to make us break. It's just us, two friends. (Friend zoned again but this time by Sam. Yes, I know I'm evil) But, it can't..... We have to be in the evil world. Full of dangers around every corner. With horrible people, and confusion for all of us. 'Sigh...' I hope tomorrow is a better day...

Taurtis' POV head.....where am I? Wait. Hold up. Is that Big Ben? And the London Eye?! AM I BRITISH?!?!?! Wait, your not a Brit, Taurtis; stop being stupid. I should probably ask someone for directions back home. But, how did I get here? Hmmmmm...yes!There's a person who looks my age! Maybe he will have the directions! I walk over to him to see him...crying? "Hey...what's wrong?" I ask sincerely. He sniffles, and raises his head up to me. All I see is tear stained cheeks, pulsing red eyes, and a gloomy frown. He had blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. His skin is peachy with a very, very slight tan.

He rubs his right eye a little before responding, "'s nothing..." I looked him with doubtful eyes. "Okay, fine.....I'll tell you." Taking a deep breath in, he starts. "My best friend-no, more than that...he left me. And 'Sniff ' he's never coming back!" He began sobbing into his hands. That reminds me about what Sam said before.

"Aw, don't cry! I'll be your new best friend!" He stopped crying.

"A-Are y-you s-serious?" My face light up to a smile.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?!" His frown turned into a small grin. "You should meet my other best friend too!!! He's really nice, and would love to be friends with you!" I exclaimed. He seemed really excited.

"I really want to meet him! What's he's name? Oh, and yours too!" I'm really liking this guy. He's so cheerful, and sweet.

"My name is Taurtis, and my friend's name is Sam. What's yours?" Oh no, he's crying again! "Wait, did I say something wrong-" 'GASP!' Wait, that was all a dream.....thank gord. Oh no Sam's next to me! And he's waking up! Damnit Taurtis! You always have to screw things up!

Sam's POV

I slowly blink my eyes open to see Taurtis awake, looking longingly into my eyes. "Sooooooo, um...was tonight any better?" All I could see was his chocolatey eyes watering up with tears again. Sam!!!!!! Don't be an idiot!!! Now Taurtis remembers everything! "S-sorry! I-I didn't m-mean to-I never m-meant to-" This just made Taurtis sob louder. He started sobbing into my shoulder, and I began running circles on his back to calm him down; it works a little. He starts sobbing into my chest.

"S-Sam....." Taurtis muffles in my chest.

"Yes?" Taurtis looked up to me with his pulsing eyes.

"Why don't you just let me die? Why won't you just put me out of my misery?" I pulled him tightly in me.

"Don't say things like that! Your more than this, I know you are. Just because they passed away doesn't mean you should give up your life." I say, letting a few tears fall down from my eyes. I feel him smile ever so slightly on me. "I promise that I'll always me here for you..." I reassure him.

"Promise....." I pull away from the hug.

"Promise, and I'll never break it." I lay me and Taurtis back down, gesturing him to sleep. Nodding slightly, he gently closes his eyes, falling straight to sleep. I pull him closer to me, and whisper, "No matter through thick or thin, you'll always have me."

785 words, really sorry it was short. I started 2 more books, and I have to draw covers and junk for them. Then I realized I didn't post in more than 2 weeks for this book. 0-0 I promise that I will update another time this week. Well, bye weirdos!

Together friends, until the end-SamxTaurtis bookWhere stories live. Discover now