Chpt. 6 Death

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Quick a/n - You guys have no idea how sorry I am for delaying this. I thought that having a phone would make publishing this easier. I was obviously wrong. School has put a lot of work on my shoulders the last week or 2. I didn't even have time to watch Sam, Taurtis, Grian, or any YouTube at all! I just hope you don't kill me in the comments. *Note: I am going to get 2 chapters out this week for this


Taurtis' POV(BTW this is in his dreams)

All I remember was going to sleep. But for some reason, I am in a field. What am I doing here? Suddenly, a loud screeching noise comes, and I am in the middle of the road. It was the road in front of the school, and movie theater. Next to me was Salex. "Salex? Where are we? Where am I? Why am I on a road?" I ask her. She doesn't even realize I'm here. "Umm.....hello? Earth to Salex!" I shouted; jumping up, and down in front off her. I was also waving my hands at her face. Nothing. No reaction. Like I was invisible, like I had no voice. Like I meant nothing to her. I tried to hugging her, but......that didn't end well. I went right through her, literally in fact; dropping face first on to the pavement. I got up, and I karate chopped her stomach; my arm slid right through her. It's like I'm a ghost. Or like in spectator mode. (Taurtis!! Stop breaking the forth wall!!!) She is also not moving, breathing, or even blinking! Nothing in fact. Not one breeze. Nothing is going; like I froze time. Suddenly, time starts back up again, and I hear the same screeching noise; only this time...I hear, laughter? Closer, and closer it comes as Salex slowly walks across the street; Almost like a tortoise. (Sorry, I just had to add that! XD) A bright light in the distance is all I see as the screech, and laughter grows closer. I finally know where the repulsive noise is coming from; a truck. Salex doesn't notice...until the truck is a few yards away from her. I tried to push her, but I just went though her. 'Scccrrreeeeeech!' "What the-" Salex questions before, 'crash!' The truck hit all of her pretty self. I shadow jumped out of the truck, and ran for it; just before the truck drove into a build board. I my jaw dropped to the floor, and my eyes popped out of its sockets. I was in moral shock. I glance down to see Salex in the middle of the road, laying down. Blood was surrounding her; staining her lush hair, and uniform. Her eyes closed; not sparkling like earlier. No shiny smiles from her soft lips.....NOTHING. I felt myself tearing up. "Salex.....Salex.....c-can you hear m-me? Salex, why? W-Why did this h-have to h-happen to me? Why did t-this h-have to happen to y-you?" I cried. (OMG! Writing this actually made me tear up! ;-; I guess me, and Taurtis think alike.) I'm then teleported to the roof of the school. There I get an even better view of this disaster. Tears continue to drain down my face as I just stare at the lifeless body. "Why couldn't be me?" I whisper to myself. 'Gasp!' I wake up in my bed, and continue crying.

Sam's POV

I am woken up to the sound of crying. I look at my Icrab to see it's 2:00 am! Wait, that sounds like Taurtis! I leap out of bed , and dash towards Taurtis' bed. His face is shoved into his pillow, and the pillow was drenched with...tears? " okay?" I worrying but still calmly ask. He slides his head to face me. His face was red, and stained with dried tears; even some new ones too. His old, cheering smile was replaced with a new, gloomy frown. "Taurtis, tell me what happened. Was it a nightmare?" I question some more; this time with more worry than calm. He slightly nods his head before sitting up. I blush ever so slightly when I see he is only in his boxers. His perfect, Raven hair was messy, and tangled together. I let out a huge sigh before I spoke, "Taurtis...please just tell me want happened during the night. I only want to he-" Taurtis interrupted me with a trophy hug. I was first surprised, but soon hugged back. He soon started crying into my chest, and I rubbed circles on his back. We stay like this for a while. 'Sniff, sniff ' After a long silence, Taurtis finally spoke. "Sam.....I-I had a d-dream t-that..." he muffled in my abdomen. (Abdomen means chest for you idiots) I-It was about S-Salex...a-and she.....d-died." he cried. "Shhhhhhhh, it's okay. She's still breathing. She's perfectly fine. There is nothing you need to worry about." I explained, calming him down a bit. He finally took his face out from my chest, and got out of the hug. To be honest, I liked the feeling of him being close. (Oh Sam! You cheeky rabbit! *Wink wink nudge nudge*) I see his deep, chocolate eyes all red, and puffy from crying; they just look at me with concern. He sheds some tears from his eyes before saying, "Thanks Sam...for...everything. I really appreciate you bein-" I interrupt him pulling him into another hug. This time he hugs tighter. "Unmm...uh...Sam, can with you tonight?" Taurtis asks while looking down. I stare at him, still shocked by the question he just asked. I realize I'm blushing a dark red. I'm so lucky that Taurtis has his gaze downwards. "Oh...I see. I'll just go back to my bed..." he sadly stated as he stood up from my bed, and slowly started walking away. "Wait, Taurtis!" I practically yell to him, and grab him arm; making him facing me. "I never said no," I say softer this time. I finally see his gloomy frown light up with a cheerful smile. Nobody knows how much I love his smile-I mean.....I like his smile. Yeah.....that's what I meant. Anyways...he pranced over to my bed, and we jumped into bed. I pulled the covers over our bodies. He pulls close, and cuddles into my chest; kind of like before expect this time we are laying down. He falls asleep quickly, but I just can't. I just continue to stare down at his unconscious body. I grin at his soft snores, and start petting his hair. He moved his right arm over me, and then his eyes opened up wide. I see him blushing crimson while asking, "Ummm, Sam?" I look face to face with Taurtis. "Yes, what's wrong?" I question sincerely. "D-Do y-you have a t-tail?" At that moment, I was blushing as red as Snow White's red poison apple. "Y-Yeah.....w-why do y-you ask?" "B-Because I-I felt i-it..." Okay, this is really awkward. "Oh right! I tuck it in my pants, b-because....." I don't want to tell Taurtis because it's embarrassing, but he gave pleating eyes. Oh gord dammit! 'Sigh...' His eyes pleat even more. "Because more random people touch my butt. And they use the excuse, 'Ops! Sorry for bumping into you!' And I hate it..." I say; making the last sentence a whisper. "Why must people be so perverting?" Taurtis moans. I laugh so hard at this, and Taurtis does too. He drifts back to sleep. I slowly close my eyes, and fall asleep too.

Taurtis' POV

I wake up with a bright grin on my face. It was from a good dream that I suddenly forgot.....oh well. 'Ah-woo, woo, woo...ah-woo, woo, woo' (I tried to recreate Sam's signature snore) I look up to see Sam snoring, making his nose twitch cutely. Wait.....did I just Okay, I think I have a tiny, very tiny crush on Sam. But, he probably doesn't feel the same, and I have Salex. Anyways, his curly hair covers his left eye, and brush it back. His ears are twitching too. He is such a bunny! And it's really cute! Why? Why do I feel this way? Why am I thinking he will love me too? He is not he? I should just clear my mind. I get ready, and leave Sam to sleep a little longer. I mean, just by looking at how heavily he is sleeping anyone can tell that he probably stayed up late. Maybe he was watching over me? Probably not. I make some waffles for us, and then go upstairs to wake Sam. I walk over to his bed, and see his covers were thrown off by kicking legs. And out of the blue, I see a fluffy, white ball poking out of the back of his red boxers. A strange, perverting thought popped into my brain. I reach out to it softly squish it. (Sorry! XD I just had to add that!) Oh. My. Gord. He didn't notice. I boop his twitching nose, and he wakes up. "Mornin' sleepy head!" I cheerfully shout in his face. "I'm up! Gord, you didn't have to shout." he groggily says. "Oh right, sorry. The rabbit ears..." I apologize.

*Time skip to before school*

Sam's POV

Me, and Taurtis find J walking on the street, and start talking. We walk into our class, and all three of us make our jaws drop. J dropped his phone, Taurtis looked like he had déjà vu, and I stopped mid sentence. There in the classroom, Professor Gareth was at the front of the classroom, and was hanging by the neck with a rope attached to the ceiling. Below him, a chest laid with a sign on it that says, 'read this' Professor Gareth is dead. I look behind me, and there was the rest of our class with the same expression. I puffed my chest out in courage, and walked over to the chest. I opened it, and there laid a note. I turn towards the class, and read out loud, 'Hello class or anyone else who is reading this. As you can see, I'm now dead. The things I said last class was the reason I chose this fate. To be with my wife, Jane. (Thank you for telling me his wife's name) I have decided to join her in death because there is nobody else I love. And I hope to see Ms. Joey sometime up here. Just tell Rowan that Okami will be a great replacement teacher is for me. Tell my son, both me and Jane love you. Find your love, and always cherish them. Also, I will find the person who killed my wife. Mark my words one day, you will pay! Karma's gonna' come collect your debt! ~Proffessor Gareth' Damn, that is really deep! I look up to see a frogboy crying. I think his name was PePe. I heard him cry, "NOT YOU TOO!" before he ran down the halls. What the hell is wrong with this School? Rowan heard all the commotion, and stomped up the school's stairs. "WHAT IN CARNATIONS ARE ALL OF YOU MAGGOTS FUSSING ABO-" he stopped mid sentence once he walked into the classroom. Rowan took off his sunglasses, and some people gasped at this. I guess they have never seen him without them. "Dear didn't. Please tell me you didn't. Gareth...pal...please..." Rowan whispered. Some more people gasped at this. I guess he barely whispers too. He even shed a tear. At this, Taurtis gasped. Man, I guess he has never cried either. Rowan wiped his tear, and put on his sunglasses before saying softly, "All students...please wait for further instructions in the cafeteria..." We all gathered in the cafeteria, and chattered away. I still have what Gareth said last class stuck in my head, just repeating over and over again. I see the same frogboy crying at the back of the school. I walk away from Taurtis, and J to see why he's so upset. I mean, Gareth's only a teacher.....right? "Hey, buddy. What's wrong?" I softly ask. He looks over with tearing eyes, and replies, "M-My papa.....just died..." My eyes widened at this. "Wait...Gareth was your father?" He nods slightly. "Well...then go do what he wished. He wants you to find love, PePe. He wants you to feel happy, and loved. So, you should do that for him." He looks at me with cheerful eyes. "Thanks....erm, what's your name?" he questioned. "Right, my name is Sam." I answer. "PePe" he says kindly while shaking my hand. I guess smiles can come after death.

Together friends, until the end-SamxTaurtis bookWhere stories live. Discover now