Chpt. 5 Taurtis in love

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Sam's POV

I hear foot steps quietly walk back, and forth the bedroom; but I continue sleeping anyways. "Saaaammm......" a gentle voice whispers into my ears. I moan quietly as I buried my face into a pillow. "Come on, Sam. We have to get ready for school." the same voice wined softly. I did not respond. "Why won't you get out of bed? I would expect you to be the early bird of this house." I sighed. I muffled out, "What's the point if I will just be treated like a dumb bunny?" There was a silence in the room, until he cleared his throat; looking as if he were about to speak. "Is that how you see me treating you?" I glanced up at him; already in his uniform that was just missing a tie. "No....." I lightly responded. He pondered a bit before his face lit up with an idea. "If your not going to get up then........I'll just do it the way my mom used to get me up in the morning!" he sparked. Before I could question him, he tickled my stomach furiously. I was laughing, and pleating for him to stop at the same time; but I knew he wouldn't until I get up. "Ple-ease, HaHa....Stt-top! I-I'll get u-up!" He pulled away giggling. "I'll make breakfast as you change, okay." I nodded with a smile struck on my face. He left the room, and I heard him scamper down the stairs. I quickly got ready, and was about to go. Then I noticed a blue tie on Taurtis' dresser, he must have forgotten to put it on. I grab it, and make my way down stairs to an aroma of toasting bread. Taurtis was scrolling his phone, and munching on a piece of toast; not noticing me. I took this opportunity for my revenge. I smiled evilly, and snuck up behind him. I wrapped his tie around his neck, and tied it to the chair. "What!? What the heck?!? Sam! What happened?!? What is this?!" I turn his chair toward myself, and answered, "Just a little pay back....." I smirked deviously. "Come on! It was just tickles to get you up!" he complained as he took off the tie, and threw it a top the ground. I giggled, and handed him the tie off the kitchen floor. He is so cute when he's mad. Wait. Did I just say cute?!?! It's probably nothing.......I hope. "I'm going to the bathroom to fix my attire" he mummers, sounding angry. I later hear groans, grunts, and moans coming from the bathroom upstairs. I skit up the stairs, and knock on the door. "Taurtis? You okay? Do you need help?" I asked, worried. No reply. I grab the handle, and march inside to see him struggling to apply his tie. I then chuckled out, "You need help there? You seem to be in so sort of predicament." He glared at me with frustrated eyes.

Taurtis' POV

I can't get this stupid tie on!!! I start groaning, in frustration. I think Sam heard me because I hear steps on the stairs; then a knock on the door. "Taurtis? You okay? Do you need help?" Sam called with a worry under his breath. I didn't want embarrass myself in front of Sam, so I didn't reply. He barged in to see me struggling to get ready, and chuckled, "You need help there? So seem to be in so sort of predicament." I glared at him with frustrated eyes. "Oh, shut up, and help me.....Baka!" He giggled, "Coming from one himself!" I rolled my eyes, and he grabbed the tie from my neck; still giggly. He tied it carefully, and quite quickly I may add. "Better?" I smiled at him, and responded, "Sure....if that's what you want, bunny boy~" He looked flustered up. "Let's just get to school, Taurtis," Sam suggested. I nodded as we left the house.

*Time skip to at school*

We walked pasted the gates as my eyes widened to the prettiest sight I've ever seen. There at the doors of the school, stood a girl; not just any girl though. She had slick, brown hair with blue tips at her bangs. She was talking to Soul, and Sookie. This felt like love at first sight. She then noticed me, and gave me a distance smile; right there, my heart melted. She started walking towards me. Calm down, Taurtis! Just play it the way you always do with all the ladies, but she was different than the others. "Hi! My name is Salexbrown!" she spoke kindly. I could feel myself blushing a light red. "My name is Taurtis! I was just wondering, what's a pretty face like yours doing at this school? I don't think I've seen you before, right?" I could see light pink blush on her perfect peach skin. "Huh. Well, I was home schooled until now," she shyly stated. "Well, I could show you around the school before classes!" She smiled brightly. "That would be amazing of you! But before we do that, who is this?" Salex gestured to behind me at Sam; I completely forgot he was there. I feel like a jerk for shoving him out. "Oh, right! This is my best friend, Sam." Sam looked at Salex, and grinned widely at her. I saw her blush a dark red, that made me slightly jealous. I really hope that Sam doesn't love Salex as much as me.

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