Chpt. 8 Movies

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I just caught up with Taurtis as soon as we got to the movie theater. I saw there: J, PePe, Salex, DomRao, SillyJilly, SoulOwl, JTS, puffer fish Patty, PowerDragon, Invader, Chan, Galaxy(Monstero), Pielord, Majo_Ellen, Seb, Prime, Hidden, Yuro, Star Force, and a girl I don't recognize. She has pale skin, long pink hair, and wears a white bow. She is wearing a pink and white striped shirt, and blue jeans. It gives me déjà vu just looking at her. She reminds me of someone...I just don't know who.....oh well. I walk up to her, and introduce myself. "Hey! I'm Sam, what's your name?" She had on a shocked face; like as if me coming up to her was abnormal. She said in a quiet, sweet voice, "Hello...I'm Yuki." I just smiled at her, and she shyly blushed before smiling. "Sam! You made it!" Sookie calls, walking toward me. "Oh, and I see you've met Yuki. She's really funny once you get to know her; though she's a little shy. Me, and Soul share a house with her." I felt myself blush at her attire. She was wearing a navy blue dress with a cherry red bow around her waist. She also has her lush hair down, and flowing in the windy, night sky. "Let's go! Me, and Salex have saved seats next to each other for you!" I hear Taurtis call from the entrance of the movie theater. Sookie grabs my hand, and walks me in. I see Soul look at me with killer eyes as we zoom into the building; what's with her?

Sookie's POV (didn't see that coming, did you ;D)

Me, and Sam zip into the theater, and take a seat next to the row with Taurtis, and Salex. I swear, they are the cutest couple!!! (All my fans killed me because you all hate Salex) Sam's little bunny ears were twitching like crazy. He was also blushing madly. Weird.....that's when I noticed we were still holding hands. Great, now I'm blushing like a maniac. I see Sam's face light up to a smile as he chuckles slightly. "What's so funny?" I said with a sassy attitude. "'s nothing. Just the fact that your blushing dark red~" he replied in a childish manner. "Oh shut up! You were the one looking like a cooked rabbit over here!" Ha, this caught him off guard! Invader, and Soul growled at us from rows below. I think they are jelly~! J shushed us, and whisper-yelled, "It's starting!" Oh gord, what the heck is this!

Invader's POV (didn't see this one coming either)

Me, and Soul decided to seat next to each other because our crushes were flirting with each other. This made us growl. "Why do they like each other, and no us?!?" I whispered into Soul's ear. "I know right! I mean, I'm so much hotter than newbie bunny boy over there!" I scoffed at her, "Hey! He's my newbie bunny boy, and I like him that way!" She just rolled her eyes. I heard J shushing them. He he, that'll teach 'em! "Wait, what movie is this again? I forgot." I asked Soul. "Oh, it's Paul Blart mall cop." Oh for the love of gord, please let it be his movie! I see Paul Blart walk on to stage with a microphone in his right hand. Shit. (Sorry for the cursing but it adds more effect to the characters in a more powerful way) Why do these things always have to happen to me?!?! There on the stage was my dad, fat as ever, about to embarrass me in front of all my friends. Screw life. "Hello ladies, and germs! I am here to tell you that the screens are currently not working because they are stupid! So I, Paul Blart in the flesh, will be a comedian for you all tonight. Oh, and I want to give a special shout out to a special someone in the audience." Curse you gord! Why can't death be faster! "Hello my little princess Invader! Daddy loves you sweetheart!!!" Fucking kill me now!!! "Ummm...Invader? Is that your dad?" Soul asks. 'Sigh.....' I glance back to her, and wince in embarrassment. "Yes....." I close my eyes waiting for this nightmare to be over.

Time skip to after Paul Blart makes really bad jokes (trust me, I'm just saving you from the pain)

Wep, my life is over. I expect all my friends to bully me but instead they were just laughing. Laughing at the jokes my dad made. Everyone came up to me after the show to say how cool my dad was. They even said that I was cool to have someone like him in my family. For once, I'm actually glad to have that fat guy on my side. Even my crush, Sam started walking towards me. Just relax, and flirt! "Wow! Your dad is hilarious! I wish my dad was that funny. But, he's really just a coward!" We both giggles at this. He waved goodbye, and walked towards Taurtis, Salex, Sookie, and Soul. I just can't hold it in anymore! My senpai Sam has to be mine. Wait, he's my Sampai!!! (See what I did there *insert Lenny face*)

Sam's POV(weird having no Taurtis all chapter :P)

I ran towards Taurtis, Salex, Sookie, and Soul. I saw Taurtis give Salex a peck on the cheek. It burned me to see this but why??? I have Sookie, yes...just Sookie. She's really pretty, and smart. I want her, and only her. I should just clear my mind. Taurtis waved his hands in my direction, signaling me to come over. I walked over there, not running. "Come on, Sam...*YAWN* I'm tired as heck!" We both walked back to the house but something very interesting happened. Taurtis fell asleep while he was standing, and walking. 'Sigh!' I looked around to see no body was here to see this. All clear. I picked up Taurtis in a bridal style, and carried him the rest of the way home. Granted, he was almost twice my size but bunnies are strong. We finally reached the doorway. I swung it open, and headed towards the couch. There is no way I'm carrying him up the stairs! I payed him on the couch, and grabbed a blanket for him. I tucked him in neatly, and was about to head upstairs when I heard something. "Please.....d-don't leave..." I glanced back to see Taurtis talking in his sleep. He looks like he's having another nightmare. I can't just leave him. I ponder over it for awhile until I see him fall of the couch, crying; yet he's still Yep, I made up my mind. I pick Taurtis up, and carry him back to the couch. Only this time, I climb in with him. He stops sniffing, and crying. He also starts burying his face into my chest, smiling. I guess his nightmare was gone. But damn, he's such a deep sleeper!  He raps his legs around mine, and his arms around my waist. At this point, I'm blushing even more red than a tomato. But how is he still gord damn sleeping!?!?! Now, he's full on clung to my body as if he were a koala, and I was a bamboo tree. He seems to be warm, and comfortable. I just really don't want him to wake up, that would be really awkward. 'Sigh.....' How did a night out to the movies turn to this, though I kind of like it.

1269 words, yes I know this is a shorter chapter. And yes, this was a filler chapter, (Nuuuu! I turned into Naurto makers!!! Get it XD) but because the next chapter is going to be very emotional towards Taurtis-
Taurtis: What! Why me!?!?!?!
Because Saurtis must live on! *enter evil laugher* Well, sorry for that. I will have the chapter out by Wednesday(Yes I know I'm killing myself by doing that) but I have two appointments today so I will be free to write earlier!!!! Anyways, this has gone off long enough. Oh, and if you've actually read this far; type "#SaurtisTWF" Wep, bye weirdos!

Together friends, until the end-SamxTaurtis bookWhere stories live. Discover now