Chpt. 7 Girlfriend

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Taurtis' POV

Sam walked away from me, and J to go outside. I look over J's shoulder to see a glum PePe. I guess Sam was going to make PePe feel better. I mean, first his mother died, and now is father is dead too. (I just realized why PePe is poor in YandereHighSchool! It's because both his parents died, and so he had no money to support himself. Gareth and Jane are is parents BTW) I see a concerned looking Salex at the table across from me. Think I have a bigger crush on Salex than Sam. Her beautiful eyes look worried. I walk over to her, leaving J texting on his Jphone. "Hey, you okay?" I ask. She looks me straight in the eyes, and responses, "Yeah, it's just.....I never knew teachers do suicide in front of their students. Do stuff like this happen all the time?" I chuckle a little before replying with, "Of course not! I mean, weird stuff happens in this school, but not like this!" She giggles cutely, and I realize I have to confess. "Umm, Salex. Can I tell you something?" She looks at me confusingly. "What is it, Taurtis?" I take a deep breath in, and confess to her, "Salex, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Your so kind hearted, and funny too. And I was just wondering.....would you be my girlfriend?" Her eyes widen, and I look down in shame. "S-Sorry.....I'll just go-" I was interrupted by soft lip crashing into mine. (Cue the fangirls, which include me) I was surprised at first, but soon melted into the kiss. We soon parted, but to be honest; I wanted to continue. I saw her face light up with a ear-to-ear smile. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Taurtis....." I look to the outside doorway to see Sam, and PePe staring at me, and Salex. I also see J looking up from his Jphone, watching everything.

Sam's POV

Me, and my new friend PePe walk back inside; when we see something surprising. Salex, and Taurtis were kissing. I felt my heart stop. What is this feeling? (OMG I was listening to music, and wolf in sheep's clothing just came on!!!) Is this jealousy? No.....I should feel happy for him. "Yes!" I heard her exclaim. Wait...did he ask her out?!?! "Taurtis....." I said; PePe, J, and I stared him, and Salex. He blushed madly, and look away from me. "Sam...I did it..." I felt hurt inside, but didn't show it. "Oh my gord! Finally! I'm so happy for you!" I reply acting as if I was excited; which I wasn't. PePe, and J looked at the three of us with confused looks on their faces. "Right, Salex is now my new girlfriend!" he explained happily, and put his arm around her waist. J, and PePe both give congratulations to the newly formed couple. We all chattered for a bit before Rowan shouted, "ALRIGHT MAGGOTS! YOU GET TO GO HOME EARLY! SO GET OUT!" I told the gang that I was going to get my stuff from my locker, so they can meet me at the playground. I walked over to my locker when I saw a beautiful girl standing in front of it. She had lush, brown-reddish hair, and soft looking green skin. She look like a well monster. She wore a blue uniform instead of the normal white one. I decided if Taurtis was going to get a girlfriend, why don't I too. I puffed my chest out in confidence, and took out one of my carrots to give to her as a gift. Just flirt like Taurtis does, not big deal. Well, it was a big deal. "Hey!" she cutely greeted to me. "Watch ya' doing?" I respond; hiding the carrot behind my back. "Just trying to find my lunch. I left it here, and now I can't find it. Wait a minute, can you help me?" she asked with hopeful eyes. "Sure! Let's search by the lockers first." I answered cheerfully.

*Time skip to 30 mins later*

We couldn't find it anywhere! We searched every inch of the school, but there was no sign of her lunch anywhere. But, this wasn't a complete waste of time. I got to know a lot about her, and she got to know a lot about me. I found out her name is Sookie. That is such a pretty name for a pretty girl like herself. "Uhhh! I can't find my stupid lunch anywhere! I'm so sorry for wasting your time, Sam!" she apologized. Okay, Sam.....just flirt! "Oh no, I had fun. And...I think I can solve your problem!" I say, and pull the carrot out from my back pocket. "You can have my carrot for your lunch!" I exclaim. Her face lights up with joy. "Awww!!! Your so sweet!!!" she says. We walk to the playground, and just go goofin' n' gaffin' as we walk there. I look over to see Taurtis pushing Salex on the swings, and J shooting basketball hoops. I even see PePe flirting with a pufferfish hybrid girl! It makes me proud to see I have enlighten his spirt. Though, the girl's father does not seem to pleased. We walk over to my friends, and I introduce Sookie to them. "Hey! I have an idea! Why don't we invite all our class to go to the movies. We can see Paul Blart mall cop, I heard it was a good movie!" Sookie suggested. "That's a great idea! Let's all text the invites!" J excitingly said. We all nodded in agreement, and got out our phones. We all texted, 'Hey everyone! Sookie is inviting our whole class to the movies to watch Paul Blart mall cop! Meet in the movie theaters at 5:00 if you want to come!'

*Time skip to 5:00*

Me, and Taurtis were getting ready in our room. And I can't find my tuxedo! I thought I packed it...wait...I remember now. I gave it to Grian because he didn't have one for a wedding he had to go to. So before I moved here, I had shipped it to him. Just amazing planning, Sam! I'm just going to the movies though. I probably won't need anything too special. I see Taurtis walk to the kitchen. He just wore what he wore when we first met. It's weird how he didn't wear his uniform the first day, but then wore it all the other days. I shrug it off, and grab some clothes. I put on a blue, long-sleeve shirt. Then over it, a white short-sleeve shirt. Finishing it off with blue jeans, and some red converse. I can't seem to find my beanie (Or hat, I can't remember what I put before) though, I thought I left it on the dresser. I walk down to the kitchen to see Taurtis examining my beanie with a confused face sitting at the counter. "Uhhhhhh.....Taurtis....." I say walking to wards him. He jumps out of his seat, and fumbles; trying to catch the beanie, and hide it behind his back. "Wha-!" he shouts surprised of my presence. I look at him with a 'really?' face. He chuckles nervously with his face flustered with awkwardness. "I-Iwas just-ummm.....I was...uh..." he said, trying to make an excuse. I roll my eyes, and snatch my beanie back. "Come on! You don't want us to be late, do you?" I moaned with an attitude. He just came to the door, and chuckled a little before prancing down the street. What was that about?

Taurtis' POV

While San was getting change, I managed to snatch his beanie from the dress. I went to the kitchen to examine it. It's probably so hard for him to make friends with the obvious ears. But, it's probably even hard when he tries to cover his hybrid self up. I stare in my own thoughts about this subject when I realize I ran out of time. "Uhhhhhh.....Taurtis....." I hear calling from behind me. I jump out of my seat, and fumble; trying to catch the beanie, and hide it behind my back. "Wha-!" I shout surprised at Sam's presence. He gave me a 'really' look as I just stand in front of him, chuckling awkwardly at him; flustered to the core. "I-Iwas just-ummm.....I was...uh..." I said; trying to think of an excuse for taking his beanie. He just rolled his chocolate eyes, and snatched his beanie back. "Come on! You don't want us to be late, do you?" He moans with an attitude. I just walked to the down, and chuckled a bit. I mean, Sam's just to adorable when he is mad. I prance on to the streets, headed towards the movie theater. This is so weird, how do I love someone, and date another one I love? I should just clear my mind with Salex, and just forget about my crush on Sam. Yeah, that's what I should do! I mean, I'm happy with my girlfriend now!

1529 word, super uber sorry for the short chapter! School work with English, and Band is really putting stress on my shoulders! I really had a hard time writing this chapter too. I just got so much writers block! But now I know almost exactly what is going to happen. I really just wish English didn't make me read 15 long a** books by May 20th!!! Have an amazing life everybody! The artist is here:


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