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a/n; holy shit

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a/n; holy shit. tae, calm ur hormones.

"take off your clothes."

kim taehyung whispered demandingly unto jeon jungkook's ears with his low and sultry voice, making the younger feel uncomfortable as he ever was. he placed both of his hands on either side of jungkook's head, trapping the poor boy in between the lockers inside the boy's changing room.

"taehyung, please-"

"what's wrong? do you want me to do it first?"

taehyung asked jungkook in a completely teasing manner accompanied with a smug smirk plastered on his indisputably attractive face. his eyes gleamed with a hint of something jungkook couldn't decipher, like lust perhaps, as he stared deeply into the younger's innocent ones before unbuttoning his school polo uniform.

taehyung slowly removed the uniform from his torso, revealing a fit and toned abdomen resulting from his hard work in the gym every saturday. jungkook could only blush, cover his eyes with his hands and gulp nervously at the moment.

"aw kookie, why are you covering your eyes? do you not like what you see?"

"taehyung, please go away."

"come on kookie, at least look at me."

taehyung commanded the poor boy whilst trying to remove his hands that was covering his virgin eyes. jungkook only whimpered slightly at the older's harsh movements and averted his gaze away from taehyung's body that was only inches away from his own.

"why are you looking away? kookie, look at me."

"taehyung, i need-"

"i said look at me!" taehyung yelled sternly as he grabbed jungkook's chin roughly, making the younger face him. jungkook helplessly obeyed the older, afraid that he would bully him more if he didn't follow his commands.

"you're quite stubborn, aren't you?" jungkook only tittered in response.

"take off your clothes, i say."

"i-i don't want to-"

"should i undress you then?"

jungkook was taken aback with taehyung's words. his eyes widened as he felt blood rush through his cheeks, making his white skin turn into vermillion. he opened his mouth to say something and yet closed it again, pressing his mouth into a thin line.

"are you shy?"


"come on, what's the big deal? we're both boys?"


"or are you gay?"

"i'm not!" jungkook answered a little more loudly, flustered with the tip of his ears turning red. taehyung smirked at his answer before cupping the younger's cheeks and squishing them together like a soft pillow.

"kookie, i was just teasing you. no need to get defensive or anything." taehyung chuckled while jungkook just frowned.

jungkook felt like he was being played with. he does have a long-term crush on the other fellow but he didn't feel any grateful, well maybe a bit, to what just happened at all.

today was too much for jungkook to the point that he felt that he was being sexually harassed. albeit he had such dreams about him and taehyung doing the 'frickle-frackle' together, what the older did today was just too far for his liking.

jungkook was known to be pure and innocent that is why everybody loves to tease him specially his crush, kim taehyung.

but in fact, he was really not that pure and innocent; not at all.

"hurry up and get changed. we're gonna get late for swimming class." taehyung reminded jungkook whilst putting on his black swimming trunks. he decided not to wear a shirt for today in order to please his fan girls and brag his body to his other friend named park jimin.

"don't get me wrong. i was just trying to undress you so that you could change into your swimsuit quickly." taehyung said, ruffling the boy's hair into a messy state.

"i know." jungkook pouted.

"i'm going now. what about you?"

jungkook stopped and pondered for a moment. he really wasn't feeling well since this morning and he's stomach has been having a weird feeling, like butterflies flying inside, after what just happened between him and taehyung. and with that being said, jungkook decided the stay and wait 'till the class end.

"tell mr. kim [namjoon] i'm not feeling well. you should go ahead."

"are you okay?"

"yes, just some stomach problems. i'll go to the nurse. see you later. bye!"

with that, jungkook blasted off to the school's clinic and asked for stomach ache pills and after that, he went to the classroom in order to continue his unfinished work on his wattpad account.

chapter dedicated to; minstrual [thanks for the idea fam.]

what do u think?
not as entertaining as i imagined it would be but i promise that it'll get better soon! :)
please support! ily hoes.

seventeen's comeback on april 25th!

okay wrong fandom.




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